Wait, what?

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Silence reigned in the car as they slowly made their way through the evening traffic, heading straight for the Ward's house.

Nick's mind was swimming. He really shouldn't be surprised by anything at this point, but finding out that his best friend's dad was actually some kind of supernatural encyclopedia was just a little unsettling.

Tala remained quiet, letting Nick sort through his emotions and thoughts on his own. She knew how confused and conflicted he must be right now, she could feel his emotions, tense and jumbled as they raced through him. She'd suggesting waiting for a little while before confronting him, but Nick had refused. They needed to figure out whatever was going on between them, and being a mystic, Charles could possibly have data that could help them discover a plan on what to do about the pride after Tala.

Too soon were they pulling to a stop in the Ward's driveway. They sat in the car for a few moments, Nick staring blankly at the house.

Tala shifted in her seat so she was turned facing him. "Ready?" She asked gently.

He let out a sigh and shook his head. "No...come on." He cut the engine and then climbed out of the car, Tala following close behind him.

The door opened less than a minute from when they knocked, a middle aged blonde woman standing in the doorway. She smiled when she spotted Nick. "Nick, it's good to see you again."

He smiled back and gave her a quick hug. "Hey, Eula, I didn't know you were back from your vacation already."

She nodded and ushered them both inside. "Yes, I returned earlier today." She shook her head and chuckled. "I wonder if I ever should have left, that young scamp, Alejandro wouldn't know a trashcan if he was stuffed into one! Ah well, I suppose that's what you get growing up privileged. He's a good kid though." She shut the door and turned back to Nick. "Speaking of, you're probably looking for him, but he's out at the moment with his mother."

Nick frowned slightly. "He didn't mention going anywhere...where are they?"

Eula was about to reply when she caught Tala's eye, and saw her barely shake her head warningly. "Uh...I believe Mrs. Ward mentioned something about shopping for a new dress suit for his graduation."

Nick still looked slightly confused, but he didn't have time to dwell on the Ward's shopping habits at the moment, he had more important things to worry about. "Oh, okay. Well that works out fine because we're actually here to talk with Mr. Ward."

Eula looked a little surprised by this, but she just nodded and motioned behind her. "I believe he's in his study, just knock before walking in."

Nick nodded. "Thanks, it's good to see you again."

She smiled. "You too, I'd best get back to my chores." And with that she turned and disappeared upstairs.

Tala slid her hand into Nicks and squeezed his fingers reassuringly. "You can do this."

He shot her a grateful smile, and then led her to Mr. Ward's study. Hesitating outside the door for a brief moment before raising his fist and knocking twice.

A pause, then a quiet, but firm, "Come in."

The door swung open silently, revealing a comfortable study lined with bookshelves and furnished with several comfortable armchairs and a large dark wood desk, which Mr. Ward was seated behind, hands folded in his lap as he leaned back in his chair and watched calmly as Nick and Tala entered the room.

"Nick, I was wondering when you were going to figure it out."

Nick's eyes widened in surprise. "Wait, you mean you know-"

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