Breaking the Ice

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{Content warning! : A little big of Kylo's degrading kink, slight daddy kink & spanking. read safely loves!" }


   Your eyes shot open, the new found light felt like it was burning your skull. A curtain had shot open. "Miss (y/l/n). I thought you'd never wake up." It was Kylo, standing across from you, mug in hand. He had been up for what seemed like awhile. He stood tall with a pair of black jeans and a beige crew neck, a white collar protruding from the neckline. He looked daringly sexy, and after last night you knew he really was just as hot as he looked. But he was also the biggest asshole you've ever met.

  "Hey! That was rude. What time is it anyways, Jesus." You hiss at him.

  It had become apparent that you were still naked from the night before. Kylo's eyes on your bare chest.
   "Six twenty-five." Kylo smiles, then reaching his mug out as if to 'cheers' to an imaginary person, before taking a sip. You instantly pull the covers over your exposed self, frantically looking around for some type of clothing.

"Your items are in the kitchen, and I made coffee. It's hazelnut."

"Usually I get you coffee, funny how that works." You say.

You walk towards your belongings, throw blanket still loosely draped over you.
  "Kylo can we-" You grab a pair of jeans and a top from your bag as Kylo interupts. "I have a cab on the way for us, And don't call me that."
  "Oh what the fuck ever! but seriously, Mr. Ren, we need to stop doing whatever this is. I can't afford to wake up in my bosses- larger than expected home, with 'quirky' furniture, and stupid decor. Not to mention lose sleep over sexual favours." You huff, Kylo chuckled and took for the door.

"You're rambling."

   "And Sexual favours? that's rich, If I recall correctly, it was I giving all the favours." He smirked. You scrunch your face up in attempt to mock him.
  "Are you fucking serious?"

    "Please only speak professionally to me, Miss (y/l/n). I'll be waiting in the car." The door shut behind him.
  "Fucks sake." you reiterate the conversation you just had with him and you felt your blood boil.

✧ —————————————————————————————

   The car ride to work was uncomfortably silent. You spent the 20 minutes listening to the hum of the motor, pleading for someone to say something, anything. Hell, at this point you'd even talk to the cab driver.

  You open the door and grab Kylo's briefcase, along with a few lose folders and his sweater, bringing them inside Solo theatre.

   "We have tons to do today, I want an Ice breaking session for the cast done. And don't forget I have a 3 o'clock meeting."
You nod to him and continue to your small desk inside Kylo's office.

  "Could you get me a banana." Kylo smiled sweetly.
"Yep." You rolled your eyes. As if he deserved your labour after his antics.

  "If you're going to give me attitude, there will be consequences."

You could see the change of heart in Kylo. "What are you going to do? Punish me?"

Kylo grit his teeth together. If looks could kill, you'd be a goner.

  "Actually Miss (y/l/n), I meant I would send you home."

  The gag was no longer funny to you, and you really needed to keep your interactions with Kylo to a minimum, Or professionally as Kylo would say. so you went on your way to get him that Banana.

the understudy » Kylo Ren modern auWhere stories live. Discover now