Last night.

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chapter warnings; alcohol, Krylo! ren

A/N: I don't usually do this but when you get to the part where Kylo's in bed, I recommend listening to: I know you care by Ellie Goulding.

You awoke to the sound of footsteps. Kylo's. They were in such a rhythm that you could tell he had been purposely trying to silence himself.

"Morning," You groaned in a raspy, tired voice. Your throat tender as a reminder of the night before.
Kylo turned towards you. His hair was semi-wet, small droplets of water faintly staining his shirt collar.
  "You seemed so peaceful, I was just going to leave for work without you."

His words were soft and gentle.

"I like my job, though." You responded. Sitting up in Kylo's bed while still attempting to cover your naked body.
"And besides, who would organize your paperwork?" You joked.

Kylo offered a meek grin, seemingly unfazed by your words. "I think that I'd manage quite fine on my own, thanks." His mood turned bitter.

"Oh." Was all you could muster out.

Kylo left his bedroom without another word, stumbling down the stairs with his long strides.
"Uhh, Hey, Is everything okay?" You shout, wrapping your silhouette with his sheets, before running after him.

"Course'" He spat, not letting even a seed of emotion peak though.

"Well, you're clearly lying to me."

"I'll be late." Kylo ran a hand through his hair.

'And asshole Kylo was back' You thought.

"I just don't think we should be showing up to work together. Especially after Finn and Poe crashed our pizza da- dinner"

Your eyes widened. Did he almost say?

No. He couldn't have.

Judging by Kylo's immediate reaction of clearing his throat, he did.

Pizza date.

"I see where you're coming from, but isn't my flakey track record with showing up to work In general lately, more concerning?" You ask, trying your very hardest to be like Kylo, emotionless. Though the redness welling up in your cheeks at the thought of Kylo calling your time shared yesterday a date, was clearly visible.

"No. That would just show your lack of dedication. Help yourself to whatever is here, or to leave."  Kylo offered a wave, before muttering a shallow "Goodbye."

The door slowly closed behind him.

You sighed, scanning the empty home you had to yourself.

You took notice of the sad-looking plants that sat on his kitchen counters. Just enough to look stylish, not nearly green enough to have been properly taken care of.

Almost like you, with Kylo.

Conveniently there, but not properly loved.

Sometimes you wondered if he were capable of loving at all.

You moved the frail plants to a more appropriate spot, one with sunlight. Not forgetting to water them. Hopefully, he would notice and be grateful.


On your ride home your mind pondered about what was going on at work, you wondered if picking Rey was the right way to go. There was no question that she was talented, not to mention that she was also very beautiful. You just hoped Kylo was impressed by your audition. You wanted him to say so, you wanted him to pick you before anyone else. Not just in the theatre, but in life too.

the understudy » Kylo Ren modern auWhere stories live. Discover now