sour skittles.

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You had awoken to his body close to yours, the vintage style alarm clock reading 4:37 AM.
You felt slightly groggy, more so crusty than anything from crying yourself to sleep.

Kylos soft breathing made you hurt. You regret not being kinder to him, regardless of the past, he deserved to be listened to.

You decided to get out of bed, debating on whether to take a walk around the b&b or to go as far as the beach.

You realized you hadn't packed anything warm besides your sweatpants. You were hesitant, but you opened Kylo's bag. digging through copious amounts of hair products, pomades, and a fancy cologne until you finally got ahold of a hoodie. It was just grey, but it would have done the job. You slid the soft fabric over your bare chest. The sweater itself reaches just above your knees, so you were practically swimming in it.

The b&b was only composed of about four suites, all with do not disturb signs on the doorknobs. The place was quiet. A woman sat at the desk, presumably bored out of their mind.

"Evening," The young girl said.
"Oh, hi. Am I allowed to walk around? If not I can go back to my room." You stuttered though the girl was not intimidating whatsoever.
  "You're okay. Can I help you with anything?"
You laughed at this, you could use a lot of help with Kylo, but no, you did not need anything.

"I'm fine." You say, the girl nodded, typing away at her phone.

"Gee, It must get boring here during the night." You stepped closer to the desk, your slipper covered feet touched the cold flooring of the foyer as you stepped in.

"I don't mind, it lets me catch up on tv shows." She chuckled.

"That's nice." You thought about how different your life would be, had you not come to know Kylo Ren, or if you were still working your regular 9-5 at the cafè.

You walked towards the moonlit outdoors, a rush of cold air smacking your tired eyes.

"Do you have a smoke?" The young lady asked, now following you outdoors. Her name tag read 'Bridie.' Certainly a name you hadn't heard before, but it was beautiful nonetheless. She had soft blonde hair, tired eyes and a few prominent beauty marks, similar to Kylo.
  "Oh, yeah, sure." You grabbed a cigarette out of your sweatpants pocket, then put your hand in the other looking for a lighter.

your last hope was the large pocket of Kylos sweater, luckily he was forgetful just like you, but in the right way, where he'd lose things conveniently.

You let out a sigh of relief, pulling the blue lighter out of his pocket.

"Thank you," She celebrated quietly to herself.

You followed suit, grabbing your own cigarette and placing it between your lips.

"Why are you up this late anyway?" Bridie asked.

"Just a lot on my mind, you know how it can be." You inhaled the smoke, feeling the wave of calmness spread over you.

"Oh, I get it."

You both sat in a brief silence for a moment, watching a moth struggle to touch the light of the porch. You could hear the faint sound of the waves washing over the shore.

"Do you wanna talk about it? I know we don't know each other, but maybe that's a good thing?" She flicked the cigarette ash onto the ground.

"I'd like that, actually." You sighed. It had been a while since you had someone to confide in, Kaydel didn't count, as she was more there just to hear about it.

"There's this guy, the one I'm here with, actually."

"That's sweet." She said

"Well, It could be. We have our fair share of problems. He can be such a dick sometimes. We really talked about things tonight, which ended in a fight."

the understudy » Kylo Ren modern auWhere stories live. Discover now