Chapter 04: The Day

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[A/n:"◇️◆️" will be your thoughts]

Y/n's P.O.V

I lean cheek against my palm as I stare at the window. Tomorrow will be a month. The bell finally rang, signalling that it's lunch time. I stood up and leave the classroom to find somewhere quiet to eat my pudding bread. I went outside and sit on the stairs because it seems quiet there.

I opened the wrapper and just as I was about to take a bite. "Oh!" I turn my head to see Toono. I moved over a bit and pat the place beside me, telling him to sit down. He sat down and we ate our food in silence. But that silence didn't last long since someone appeared. "What are you two doing?" "WAAAHHH!!" "Shut up!" Tamura-senpai said as he hit Toono on the head. "Ouch!" "Tsk! And there goes my solitude.." I mumbled under my breath so that only I can hear it. "Huh? What was that shortie?!" "I said nothing Tamura-senpai." I said as I look at him in the eyes.

"Tamura-senpai, what are you doing here?" Toono ask him as Tamura-senpai sat beside him. "I could say the same to you guys." "I wanted to eat somewhere quiet but ended up meeting Y/n here." He explained. It went silent again until Tamura spoke again. "By the way, you two remember don't you?" he ask as he eat his lunch; which is bread. "Huh?" I sighed at Toono's stupidity. "Did you forget Toono-kun?" "Huh?" "Tomorrow will be a month." Tamura-senpai and I said at the same time. The brunette beside me widened his eyes as he just realized it.

"Uwah, I'm so anxious. Since I'll be taking your virginity." "I don't want to lose my virginity to a man." "Same here." I agree with Toono as I look down and play with my fingers. "You have been taking care of your virginity until today." the bluenette said as he stand up to leave. "I'll always be a virgin! Besides, I'm a guy!" both Toono and I shouted at the same time. "MWAHAHAHA! Tomorrow will be the day you'll do it with lots of people, so get ready!"

Toono's P.O.V

◇️Tamura!! He's like the devil himself!! But...he's right! Tomorrow will be a month!◆️ I turn my head to Y/n.
◇️If it were Y/n I might be able to---◆️
I shook my head. ◇️We're just normal friends! Besides, she's not interested in that kind of stuff!◆️ "Toono-kun, are you alright?" I snapped out of my thoughts. "Huh?" I look at Y/n as she looks at me worriedly.

"Are you alright?" she repeated her question. "I'm fine! I was just thinking about the---" "The gangbang, I know." she cuts me off as she rolls her eyes. Suddenly the bell rang. "It's time for class. Let's go Toono-kun." Y/n said as she grabbed my hand and drag me to class.

○️●️❏️❐️After school//Y/n's dorm❐️❏️●️○️
Y/n's P.O.V

"So, it's finally a month tomorrow. Have you fucked anyone yet?" I sighed. "No Miu, I'm not fucking anyone. I'm gonna stay a virgin until I get old." I'm sitting on the couch inside my dorm room as I talk to my best friend Miu Iruma. Yes you heard it right, my best friend is Miu Iruma; the Ultimate Inventor. We met back at France and we got close despite our personalities being different. She's always like this but I don't mind.

"When are you comming back?" Miu asks "The day after tomorrow. Why?" "Let's go and hang out. It's been awhile since we last saw each other. And there's also this new store that I wanna check out!" "Please don't tell me it's a sex store..." "Oh come on! I know that you're a fuckin' virgin and all and even if it's a sex store you'll still come' cause I'm your best friend!" I sighed again. She knows me well. "Fine, I'll go with you." "Yay! Thanks small tits!" A tick mark appeared on my head. "Shut up you little bitchlet! My tits are 90 cm! My tits are not small!" "E-ehh...?" Suddenly I hear someone knocking at my door. "I got to go. Someone's at my door." I said to her. "Remember to hang out on sunday alright small tits!"

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