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(Basically information I probably should mention to you. Along with some useless information mixed in so it looks like I actually know what I'm doing)

Name: Frisk [N/A]

Mother: [N/A]
Father: [N/A]
Siblings: [N/A]

Age: 12 (ages throughout the story)

Birthday: [N/A]

Likes: Butterscotch pie, Golden Flowers, The Monsters, The Underground, music, drawing, singing, sweets, chocolate (Influenced by Chara), her heart locket, her friends and family, giving mercy, spiders, Chara, Flowey/Asriel, the Temmies, Animals, monsters and beasts (Influence by Underground)

Dislikes: Genocide, killing, her own curiosity, stereotyping, unfair treatment (Influence by Muffet), Occasionally herself

Hobbies: Drawing/painting, Singing, listening to music, baking and sewing (Influence by Toriel), cooking (Undyne), walking around and helping those in need, space relaxation


Determination: If the user desires so, they can create a sword and shield made of Determination. If the user dies during battle, this ability will repair the shattered soul of the user right away and allow them to return to the last save point they've encountered with max HP. To be able to do this, the user must be over-determined. The HP of a determination soul will turn into decimals when getting attacked, asymptotically approaching 0.(Was seen using this ability when they were fighting against's GOD of Hyperdeath form). Frisk is also able to share her determination with past determination holders, such as Chara. Frisk has to physically hold her soul and mentally split it into two smaller determination souls. She gives the other to the past determined and that allows Chara to be seen by humans and interact with physical beings.
Determination is naturally possessed by humans. Should a monster acquire a high concentration of determination, its body melts, usually into an amalgamate. The only known monster who may naturally possess determination is Undyne. A being without a SOUL can gain the will to live if it acquires determination, a prime example being Flower.
Only one human with a determined soul can exist at a time.

Save and Reset: The user can save their progress whenever they come in contact with a save point. Interacting with a save point also maxes out the user's HP. Save points usually come appear in the form of a four pointed star.
Reset gives the user the ability to erase most of the save data and restart at the beginning. However, now whenever Frisk decides to reset, it will only take her to her last save with full HP, much like when she dies. When she dies, no data of the events after the last save is taken and time continues normally. (Basically like a bed respawn). However, when she resets, data will be taken if not saved.

Soul manipulation: The user can mentally control the souls of other humans just like when Sans threw her around the corridor with her soul. The user can not, however, manipulate monster souls as there is not enough power for her to grasp. Soul manipulation is very tiring so don't expect the user to use it much.

Storage: The user can hold up to 10 items by selecting 'Item' in the interface that pops up whenever the user wants it to. Size doesn't matter, only quantity does.
To store things away in the 'dimensional box' story, the user must have a phone in hand. The user must open the interface and select either 'Dimensional Box A', 'B', 'C' or 'D'. Due to a recent upgrade by Alphys, the Dimensional Boxes can hold 20 items each, no matter the size.

Golden Flowers: This give the user the ability to manipulate golden flowers and their stems/vines. Frisk learned how to do this after spending a lot of time with Flowey, a sentient golden flower that she cannot control, in the thrown room full of Golden flowers.

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