Part 1: A little place in the middle of Nowhere

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=Little author note before I get going. This comes about because I only recently found Gravity Falls when I started a certain streaming service. I love animation so I gave the show a shot and fell into something that I feel is complete, while at the same time far from over if they wanted to go sequel series. Anyways I hope you all enjoy it.=

Gravity Falls, just twelve days north of exciting, and a few degrees south of pelting heat. It's located in the valley of clueless. My home, we have clean buildings and plenty of wildlife, it's been here for many generations. We have fishing and hunting with a charming view of the sunsets. The only problem is the pests. While some people have mosquitoes or rats, we have.

"Gnomes. " I call out as the bus passes by the sign we knew so well. Welcome to Gravity Falls. The gnomes were up to their usual random selves, popping up to wave at people who would in two seconds believe it to just be a figment of their imagination. Mabel giggles next to me as she stitches up her shooting star sweater, a new one to match her grown body which still matched my own, funny enough we still measured each other every week to see if we would overtake the other to be Alpha twin again.

" Ha, those guys are so funny. Remember our first day here? Those guys actually tried to marry me!" She exclaims with a giggle fit while I join in a soft chuckle, calmed and eased compared to my old worrywart self.

" Ya, you would have done it too if they kept the disguise on. " I tease a bit, my grin playful while she soon shoves me and I plant my hand onto the glass, both of us laughing warmly before she looks out to the city, Pacifica's mansion, and the great opening to the valley.

" You think everyone will remember us? After that summer... " I feel a tug inside as I  try to calm myself from those memories, Bill was hardly on my mind anymore, as new demons had forged their way into reality.

" I think once we get a chance, it will be like old times. If not I will just memory... Oh, wait you broke it. Well, we can always find a club... " I could see the confused look on my sister's face before she realized I meant an actual weapon as she shoves me once more and rolls her eyes.

" Oh don't even. You wouldn't even hurt Robbie at this point. " I knew she was right but I still acted defiantly while we heard the bus driver called out.

" Last Stop Gravity Falls! " We pull up to the bus top and both of us grab our suitcases and stand after the bus came to a stop. Mabel makes her way off quickly and continues to giggle fit her way in her excitement, something so rare for her as of late with all the idiots who have been trying to date her. I soon follow and step off with a duffle bag over my shoulder as well. I look out over the horizon of the road that leads into town and takes a slow breath to ease the growing discomfort inside me from being gone so long.

" Five years. Can't believe it. " I smile softly before Mabel rushes up and pokes my forehead, my birthmark had faded a little making it easier to wear my hair as I wanted, but those who knew it could see it clear as day.

" Five and a half Dork. We stayed for fall classes remember? " I paused and chuckled from the slip of memory.

" Right, Well we better get to the Shack, I am sure our gruncles will want to get some rest... if they got back in time. " We both pick up our stuff more properly to carry with ease. I notice Mabel putting away something from her sweater, looking like a fanny pack, likely her sewing kit. We walk towards that so familiar place once more, finally. Worst case our Gruncles would be late because of a storm or just lost track of time on a new mystery. Either way, we will be a family again.

= Hey, all. this is the first go for me and I would love comments, I don't require likes because if you honestly do, you will. I also may be trying to get titles I have found that are years abandoned to continue here... not to take credit from the writers but just wanting the story to finish.. unlike so many cartoons, we tend to fall in love with a story and something happens to the source. Anyways I will update soon, work and life may keep me but I won't be more than a week... I'll take my Sunday and update if need be. :D=

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