Chapter 19: The Hall Of Pain

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⚠️ Warning: Triggering content ⚠️

Hello, my lovely queens! Hopefully, you're all doing wonderful.

So, it's past 2 a.m. here and I have to wake up in less than 6 hours for work. I'm technically graduating today. For those who don't follow me on Instagram, I finished my finals and I'm done with college for now. I'm gonna take a little break and just work before going back for a higher degree next year. BUT WE FUCKING DID IT!!!

I just wanted to thank you all for being so patient with me. Discloser time: the last few weeks were brutally painful because of finals and the Covid situation because some of my family members tested positive, unfortunately. I tested negative and so did my brother so we were good. Some of those who did test positive have recovered nicely and some are on the path of recovery, but I believe we'll all be okay. At least that's the hope.

Enough about me, though. I hope you're all busy being the awesome queens that you are and I won't hold you any longer from reading this chapter.

Vote, comment, and share this story with your friends. ENJOY! ❤️

I didn't look over the chapter as I usually would, so if there are any mistakes, kindly point them out!


(Arie's POV)

"What do you mean she gave herself up?" I demanded answers, knowing damn well whatever came out of her mouth was going to churn my stomach regardless.

Robyn sniffled, her eyes red and swollen with pain. "She was fighting them. She killed so many right in front of me. So much blood. Dead bodies everywhere. She wasn't stopping. They couldn't stop her. They were going to take me into a room to..."

Overwhelmed with emotions, Robyn choked on her words, voice brittle with agony. She wrapped her arms around my waist, her head burrowing in my chest to seek solace from the cruelty of her reality. Her embrace was tight, almost suffocating, but I didn't push her away for I sought comfort too. Even the slightest shred of consolation was craved after the predicament I found myself in.

"Tell me what happened next."

Robyn found her voice a moment later. "They were taking me away and she saw that. She knew what they were going to do, so she surrendered. She said that she was the one they wanted, not me. She offered herself up to save me from their cruelty, so they wouldn't put their hands on me."

My chest caved in on itself, forcing a debilitated breath through my mouth. The blood coursing through my veins ran brutally cold, almost numbing my fingertips and forcing the hair on the back of my neck to stand painfully erect. My frantically beating heart knew exactly what this meant.

"They held her down, beat her, kicked her, and she didn't fight back just so they wouldn't have their way with me." Robyn pulled back, wiping her tear-stained cheeks. "They put me in this room. I don't know where she is now."

"I think I do."

          Although it pained me to admit it, she was the reason behind the rave in the basement. She was their prize, their trophy, their personal entertainment. The false Bonferroni whore.

Nabbing the blanket from the small bed, I wrapped it around Robyn's fragile body and escorted her out into the hall with the gun in my hand. Robyn stiffened, pushing herself further against me when her eyes settled on Rex and the two dead men at my feet that we had taken out.

Amore Mio (#4)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz