Complex 13

110 9 0

Minseok oppa💕
It's okay oppa I already went home I just felt that you're busy. Please go home safe and rest well, I love you too.

I sent the message then dialed Yongsun unnie's number. It only rang for a few seconds before she answered.

"[Hello Byul-ah why are you calling so late?]" This is what she said when she picked the phone up. I didn't responded, I remained quiet for the meantime because I want to calm my self first before responding.

"[Byul-ah what happened? Why are you not answering are you in danger?]" She worriedly asked. I took a deep breath then finally answered her.

"Unnie." Is the only word that came out of my mouth then my voice cracked and started crying again. I just can't take this I'm so hurt, how can he make me wait this long? I hate it.

I heard unnie let out a surprised gasped then cleared her voice, "[Byulyi what happened? Are you crying? Hey are you okay?]" Her voice turned into a worried stern tune so I nodded as if she can see it. "I'm okay unnie." I responded then ended the call.

I looked at my phone first and Yongsun unnie already texted me a lot of questions like where I am, if I'm really fine or what happened so I just replied at her with an "I'm on way home see you." So she'll stop texting.

* * *

I opened the door of our dorm and walked directly to the kitchen to drink some water. I'm so fucking hungry but I don't have the energy to eat, I just want to lay on my bed and cry.

I know I shouldn't be crying here like a baby but I feel worst, I can't believe him.

I get some water from the fridge and drank it. After drinking I went out of the kitchen to go to my room but when I went out, Yongsun unnie is already standing in front of me.

She looked at me and gasped, probably because I looked like a mess.

Unnie went closer to me and checked on me.

"What happened? Why do you look like this? I-is there something bad happened to you? Did you caught on trouble with some people outside?" She asked still looking at me with her worried face. I stared at her, trying my best not to burst out since I don't want her to feel bad for me.

"Byul-ah, answer me please. Unnie is seriously worried, do you need something huh?" Her voice become smooth, it's soothing to my ears, hearing her soft worried voice makes me want to cry but I'm trying not to because I don't want her to see how messy I looked like when I burst out.

I tried my best but my tears betrayed me.

When she saw my tears fall down on my cheeks she hugged me, she started patting my head carefully and rub my back to comfort me then started whispering things.

"Shhh, it's okay Byul-ah, it's okay. Unnie's here, I'm here, it's okay. Everything will be okay."  She smoothly said. It's funny because she sounded like a mom trying to calm her child from crying but this felt different.

Her whispers are calming, her touches gaves me chills and her existence, her presence makes me feel things. I want this.

After a minute I bursted out, I cried to her shoulder and whispered to her, "He didn't came." I said. She stopped patting me for awhile, probably because of shock but she continued everything again.

I hugged her back.

It's warming.

I like it.

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