Hell has Castles

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Namjoons house was like a castle. It had endless space and the air was clean, clear and warm.

Joon caught her careful staring and giggled as he sat on one of his comforters.

"Where did Miss Eun-Byeol expect a demon to habitat if not a graceful castle?" he asked her as they both Eun-Byeol and Jungkook sat down as well.

"Oh...no...it's just...the hell in my head is a bit different from this one. The sky is clear blue and the clouds whiter than milk outside...this couldn't be hell...right?" she explained still scanning her surroundings.

"The simple mind of a human. Allow me to speak the hell in your mind? Ruby rocks surrounding colourless eyes and pale flushed faces as they realize hell will be their afterlife. A lonely eternity unlike their mortal lifespan, forever suffering pain and haunting torment. Missing the chance to touch fluffy clouds as they watch their loved ones live happily from above. The devil on his throne holding a trident that's flared with red burning flames torturing those who have abandoned the light of God, as he smiles at the screams of men, woman and children. Many times I have heard it Miss Eun-Byeol, no need to waste anyone's time," Another tall man said walking into the open room as he sat closely next to Kim Namjoon.

"Jin-Hyung, you're back?" Jungkook exclaimed as his eyes widened and eyebrows lifted in less delighted surprise.

"I am," he kissed Namjoon on the cheek and smiled.

"We have a guest Jin, say hello," he said, nodding at Eun-Byeol.

"Annyeong little Eun-Byeol, I'm Kim Seok-Jin. By the way, we prefer to call this place the inside realm," he told her as she felt slightly shy and flustered by his intimate gesture towards Joon. Jin then snuggled against Namjoon again, letting out an exhausted breath.

"Do you mind? Some people can easily puke at the sight of something they find revolting," JK said as he covered his mouth, faking a choke in his throat.

"I just got back home and I already want to kick your face," Jin scoffed before standing up as Jungkook only sat like a tease, laughing at him.

"Come on old man, I'm still waiting for the last 3 hidings," Kook laughed and stood up in boxing stance as Jin also postured himself ready for a battle.

"Enough you two! Jin, go wash up, you must be tired from the long travel. Jungkook, go set the table, dinner soon should be finished. Eun-Byeol, please help him," Namjoon said as the boys split immediately. The lost Byeol, however, stood with a stutter.

"I-I'm sorry but I can't stay, I...I-I need to get out of here," she muttered quickly looking for an exit door.

"And go where?" he replied as she couldn't think of where since she was in hell.

"I dont think you even know how to leave this realm, so, for now, stay and have dinner," he said with a warm grin. She didn't have much of a choice but she was scared they might eat her for dinner.

She left the room after Namjoon walked away from her first, heading after Jungkook who entered the dining room. Over their heads was a clear diamond chandelier that sparkled by its' own light.

"Pretty, isn't it?" Jungkook asked as he placed down a fork.

Eun-Byeol nodded in reply and set down the plates, then the wine glasses and after many more, the table was set. It looked elegant and bright, the knives shined and the glasses glowed but the twinkling chandelier above Eun-Byeol's head had her full attention most of the dinner hour.

"Drink some red-wine, Eun-Byeol. I made it myself," Seok-Jin said with a smirk.

"Last time I drank an offered beverage, I was drugged," Eun-Byeol said with hesitation, not taking the drink as Jin slowly put it back.

"So..." Eun-Byeol quietly said as the three men all looked her way.

"Who am I marrying...?" she asked not knowing who she was to be betrothed to.

"You haven't met him?" Namjoon asked, putting his fork down slowly.

Jungkook was fascinated and also stared at Eun-byeol for a while.

"Well even if we knew, it's inappropriate for us to reveal the demon you will be married to. In this realm, when a mortal is promised to a demon, the demon can choose whether or not he wants to admit his position as your husband-to-be. If he doesn't approach her and state it, he does not accept her and only then will she be sent back to where she came. In this trial, he will see how worthy you are of being his wife. If the demon who you're betrothed to does not say 'I am your husband,' within the next 12 months, you will be sent back to earth. It's most definitely simple," Joon concluded as he continued to eat.

"So if he does not approach me within a year, I could leave without knowing who it is I was supposed to marry?!" she said with raised eyebrows.

"More or less, however, anyone could be your husband and people close to him may let you know about his characteristics. You can know who your possible husband is but until he recognizes you as a wife, he's no one but a man observing you, maybe even avoiding you. For all you know it could be one of us," Jin added before chuckling.

"But obviously Namjoon and I are not,"

"Obviously," Kook said as he rolled his eyes at the two older ones.

'Is it really the guy who drugged me..?'

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