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Taehyun brushed back his flying hair that scattered all directions when he was standing on the field as Beomgyu played with the wind angrily.

"Stupid bangs," he said to himself, sauntering down the dark hallways that led to Eun-Byeol's infirmary.

When her bedroom door was in sight, his steps became quieter and his breath steadier. He peered slowly and silently into the room, wanting a glance of her presence in case she ran off when the spell expired.

"Eun-Byeol?" he knocked.

"Yoon Eun-Byeol," and then he knocked again.

He laid his eyes on her empty bed and quickly searched the room for her. She wasn't there.

"Where the hell is she?"  he ran out and down the hallways, searching the entire 16-floored building. She was nowhere he had looked.

"It only ended 20 minutes ago, she can't have gone far," he said as he tiredly limped back to her infirmary room.

"Ugh, first day and I already lost her," he was exhausted and his tie was choking him. He loosened it as it drooled over his white-shirt covered chest, underneath the warmth of his school jacket.

As he exhaled breathes of weary, a light and near-silent giggle came from the closet. He turned his head and sniffled, facing the settled noise before ignoring it. When he ruffled his hair and removed his school jacket that tightened the more he ran around the building, he was sweating and his inhales became short, unlike his releases, with the black-tie still hanging over his chest. He heard the noise again and it lasted longer than before.

After about 5 seconds of listening to the ruckus, the closet doors swung open by a small motion of Taehyun's hand as he stared closely.

"Who's there? Come out," Taehyun lowered his head, looking at the ground and his dirty shoes. He puffed.

Stumbling out of the closet with cackles and smiles was Eun-Byeol, holding the container that was full less than 2 hours ago. She had eaten all the cookies.

"Miss Yoon, what are you doing in the closet?" Taehyun raised quickly and helped Eun-Byeol to the seat near her bed.

"I've searched for you everywhere," he said as she grinned and closed her heavy eyes.

"Want a cookie?" she asked before laughing hysterically.

Taehyun took the container from her hands and smelt it, it was weed.

"How many of these did you eat?" he asked as she only fell constantly, him saving her head with his hand every time.

"Who gave these to-" he paused and sat in front of her on the ground.

"There is no point asking, I knew Jungkook would come snooping. Hey," Taehyun said, still minding his distance as she fell into a doze.

His long and spiky bangs kept tickling his cheek, he blew them away with his breath.

"Argh! Stupid bangs!" he yelped annoyed, moving onto the ground. He sat calmly still irritated by his hair.

Eun-Byeol looked up and around the room, moving next to Taehyun who was annoyed on the warm floor.

"Hair-tie," she held his bangs in her hand, tying them up into an apple hairstyle.

"W-what are you doing? Don't-" he tried moving away before Eun-Byeol fixed up his hair already.

"There," she smiled but her eyes still looked heavy. She played with his apple hair as it bounced with her every touch.

"It really does look like an apple since it's red, I want to eat it, heh," Eun-Byeol tiredly spoke. Taehyun who completely froze, stood up suddenly and rushed flusteredly.

"Go to bed, Miss Yoon and get some rest," he picked up his jacket, heading to the exit and entrance.

"You searched for me...? Everywhere?" Eun-Byeol asked with red eyes as she squinted them at his sight. This was her first time getting stoned.

"Every room, every floor. It's my job," he replied with no expression, holding his jacket over his left arm.

"Are you my husband-to-be? If you are don't say it, please. Let me leave, my mum needs me," Eun-Byeol stumbled to the bed, lying all over the blankets and smiled before falling asleep to her own breath. 

Taehyun was ready to snoop through her thoughts but as much as his unselective power was functioning, it couldn't pick up any of Eun-Byeol's thoughts. 'It's because she's stoned, she has no thoughts,' Taehyun thought with a huff.

"If only I were, I'd give you the choice. Unfortunately, your husband is not as selfless nor as considerate as I," he said before closing the door and leaving.


In the dark and quiet van, Taehyung sat crying with his head covered and suffocated by a thin black pillowcase, hands and feet tied by thick rope while his mouth was thickly taped. He cried and screeched but no one heard him and suddenly, with a big fright, the doors slammed open. It was Yeonjun.

"Hyung, it's been a while!" Yeonjun uttered vigorously as he jumped into the large van, breaking every restraint wrapped around Taehyung with a flick.

"W-wh-who are y-you? Pl-please do not h-hurt me," Taehyung stammered, grasping as much oxygen he could get whilst drowning in tears and sweat.

"Oh! That's right! You have no idea who I am!" Jun emphasized, nodding his head.

"I-I have n-no m-money," the poor hostage stuttered, trying to hold in more cries.

"I'm not here to rob, kill, torment, hurt or use you. I've come here to save you and I know this situation may be a little scary for you but when you're ready, I would like a Thank You. Okay, let's go," he held onto Taehyung's arm and in less than a second, they were sitting on the grass at the stadium.

"Go to the stand, now!" Yeonjun shouted as Taehyung, who's face was rented with dry tear marks, ran near the bleachers behind the stand.

"Gyu, enough! You have made your point," Kamal stated as Beomgyu stopped blasting hot lava from his hands, burning nearly half the seats at the stadium. The flames around him settled but his eyes were still black with red veins surrounding them.

"They left ages ago! You just made a big mess! I'm tired and want to sleep in my warm bed!" Soobin cried and shouted at Beomgyu as Yeonjun joined the three.

"Ugh, Your face looks like shit. How are you gonna face your wife-to-be looking like that?" Jun scoffed and sneered in disgust as Taehyung hid in his tucked knees down below the 4 boys flying.

"Clean this place up and let's go," Beomgyu said as Yeonjun and Soobin both furiously pouted.

"You're so annoying!" they moaned at Gyu who had already left them to clean.

"Meet you guy's there," Kai added before he disappeared into thin air as well.

"Yah! We are the older ones!" Soobin yelled at them who were already gone.

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