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"Alari, help me!"

The scream comes again.

"Alari, please!"

I whip around in the darkness, shadows engulfing the forest. Even with my superior sight, I'm still having a hard time adjusting to the dark.

The scream comes again, louder, sharper. I feel the pain and terror behind the voice. The voice I only knew for a few months, that of my younger sister, Theema. I had known her well. She had been outgoing and brave and smart. She was the oldest of my younger siblings, whom I have not seen since the hunters came.

I'm thrust forward to a picture of my old packs home. It looks warm and sunny, welcoming me to nestle in the safety.

Just as I spot my mother, a loud noise rockets across the clearing. The sky turns black and wind roars across the forest. My mother jerks to the side and falls limply to the ground. I try to scream, but no words come out. Instead, I dart for her, feeling icy metal slice across my fur.

I'm only inches from her when she disappears, and only a pool of blood is left behind. I cower in despair, frightened for my family, my friends. I can't find Theema.

I gaze down into the blood, wishing for my mother to return. I only see my reflection, and eyes behind me that are fierce and blood-thirsty. I whip around, ready to face my persecutor, until I'm blasted back. My back slams against stone and I'm thrown to the icy ground.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

I bolt upright, trembling in fear. The air is cold around me, wrapping me in an icy blanket. I long for the warmth and comfort of day. 

I feel Rydal stir nearby, and Keala mumbles in her sleep as the red wolf shakes her fur. Her eyes turn towards me, glimmering in the moonlight. 

"Alari?" She whispers, her ears shoved forward. "You were whimpering. Are you okay?"

I nod quickly. "Yeah, I'm okay. I just don't normally have dreams."

Rydal flashes me a quick smile before laying her head beside her brother's, Felan. I sigh quietly.

It hadn't been a dream. It had been a nightmare. One I hadn't had since I last saw my family. The night I lost Seff. 

I shiver and curl tighter, laying my tail over my nose. I close my eyes, wanting to fall asleep so tomorrow will come quicker. But I also fear that the nightmares will come again, and they'll be worse.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Standing quietly from my view on the hilltop, I watch my pack stalk a small herd of caribou. Their ears are shoved forward, tails low, and eyes burning with hunger. I feel the urge to hunt with them, to feel the wind through my fur while chasing prey. I have only known the quick pounce-and-kill for rabbits and mice.

Kent is at the front, Raff near his right flank. Their eyes are glued to a young caribou, but its strong mother shields it from the pack. I can sense the frustration and hunger growing in the wolves. The movement of their paws tells me they'll do anything to catch the calf, even if its means injury. 

I settle down, letting my paws drape over the side of the hill. The wind is cool so high up, but the sun warms my back. Grateful for the moments warmth, I let my tail wag softly against the ground. 

The head of the caribou herd, a bulky male with massive antlers, raises his head, his eyes flicking back and forth. The wind shifts, and I know he's caught my pack's scent. Letting out a warning, he quickly begans to run. His head high and his strides long, it takes a moment for the herd to catch up. Dust flies and hooves pound against the ground.

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