chapter 8🌹

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وَالَّذِينَ يَقُولُونَ رَبَّنَا هَبْ لَنَا مِنْ أَزْوٰجِنَا وَذُرِّيّٰتِنَا قُرَّةَ أَعْيُنٍ وَاجْعَلْنَا لِلْمُتَّقِينَ إِمَامًا

And those who say, "Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous."

Haidar came in dress in a white kaftan with silver accessories he bow Down while extending his hand at her he murmured “my wifey” he  slowly unveiled her face  and smiled at her alhamdulillah you look so beautiful she blushed looking at her ring and uttered thank you he held her hand come let, s go and eat they lead to the dining table they eat the chicken and juice along with cheap they both performed ablution and pray 2 rakat prayer while he placed his hand on my head and recite a du,a .
He sleep on the coach while I sleep on the bed like in a dream I heard him kissing me I open my eyes just to see haidar I shout ohhhh no haidar not now!

Haidar stay back I said, standing up from the bed he caught me again laying his body on me as he pressed me to the bed

Shushh I'm not going to hurt you !
Why are you scared of me he said I cried please haidar not now I'm on my period!

He laughed let me see I cried because I know they were no way since I lied and it does not work

He spoke “I WANT YOU!!! BABY
I won't hurt you he unzipped my gown, I was trying to escape but haidar is more stronger than me .
I just surrender Today, I was going to lose my Virginity which I'm not ready for

When I woke up in the morning, and already saw I had lose my virginity which I was "PROUD FOR" I cried for my life!

Suddenly, I heard him coming out from the bathroom wrapped with his towel he finished preparing himself and pray

He came to me wifey stand up and freshen up I did like I didn, 't hear him
He hold my hand and laughed are you angry with me ! " Let go
of me I said as tears made their way out !
"I think you want another one " my heartbeat, I quickly want to stand up, but I can't I cried
Should I come and helped you he talked
I quickly said no I try to stand, but I failed before you said what he took me down to the bed I tried to get myself free, but I failed.

He lifted me slowly and took me to the bathroom while he placed me on the bathtub
Take your bath or should I bath you
I just bath her while I placed her in hurt water she scream and cry of pain
At that time I pity her even thou, I don't love her  I took her in bridal style, and take her to bed I went out and bought some pain relievers for her I make her to eat
In fact I treat her like a princess which I never think I will do.

I was just beside her looking how beautiful her body is that I taught she was sleeping I just heard her saying my name, "Haidar ummm I'm hungry " I just stand up and left the room without uttering any word I just wonder why she is acting like a baby Mtswww I hissed
I prepared  for her  coffee to be surprised she asked me is there coffee in the tea I answered her with yes
She tell me she does not use to drink coffee
I wondered why anyway I don, 't care that is her own problem.

Toh I'm going out if you like stay like that for your whole life I don't care
And Fatima I want you to have this in your mind I will never loved you and I will not , I just married you for the sake of my parents so stay on your limit infact I don't want you to show me this your stupid face he slapped my face am I talking to deaf

He left the room and banged the door while i start showing my talent "crying"

Wayyo daddy wayyo Mami wayyo why daddy why !!

I heard a knock on the door I went out palour and meet one beautiful girl which I guess she is not up to 16 years

She greeted aunty ina wuni I answered with a smile lfy lau
My name is yusra I'm haidar,s sister mama  asked me to bring this food
"Ohh yusrah how are you
She answered fine and tell me she will come back next time driver is waiting for me I'm in a hurry she said I waved at her and closed the door (in my mind I think this girl is nice but why haidar is so jerk, arrogant in fact Mr wicked .
I went back to my room Suddenly My phone start ringing I checked and saw many missed calls from my friends and my best friend nafeesa I called her back

Nafeessa: yeee ke amarya
Fatima:how are you
Nafeesa: ango ya boyeki koh
Fatima: nafeesa you will never be serious
Nafeesa: so tell me what happened
Fatima: keh jeki aure you are so corrupt
Nafeesa: she laughed ke fatima tommorow they is lectures I called to tell you I guess you forget
Fatima: yeah I forgot
Nafeesa :albishirinki
Fatima :goro
Nafeesa :tommorow we have your husband class
Fatima: I hissed and end the call

I start thinking of how tommorow will be ya Allahu before you know what I dream to somewhere else .......
Next chapter inshallah I Will try better than this .

My poor aneesa😭 I pity her life

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With love aminatu🌹(Amina Ahmad)

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