A "date" with the right McQuaid

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After Doug had left for the night I felt no form of renewed hope in my relationship, Doug used to give me hope and show me all the positives I had to live for no matter how bad it looked but he seems to be just as down as iv been, Work had really been hard on him as of late and I felt bad for him everyone at work had been on him about a few slip up he'd made.

When the door closed behind him things felt silent I could hear my heart beat in my ears and the flickering of the neon vacancy light from the motel across the street, walking over to the window I looked out it at the streets below and thought about how far the fall would be and easy it would be me. I spent over an hour looking blankly out of the window before I started to feel tired so I made myself some coffee not bothered by the fact it was now 2am, my body has gotten used to now sleeping as much anymore I was to terrified to I knew what Dawson was able to do... Sometimes he forgets his own strength sometimes and it scary to be around when it happens.

*beep* *beep* my phone vibrated across the bench alerting me of a new iMessage. I hesitated before picking it up the screen read "(2) iMessage Tommy Hanson" that's odd Tom never ever texts me? Opening the message I mentally prepared myself "Hey Char just got off clock wanna watch a movie? Not really all that thrilled to go back to an empty apartment" the second message under it said "you don't really have a choice im outside about to head up 😋" almost on point a knocking came from the door, guess that Tom Hanson for you. Unlocking the door and opening it there stood charmer himself, iv learnt ALOT of things about Tom Hanson but the biggest thing is how much of a lady's man he is even if he tells you otherwise. In toms hand was a small stack of DVDs 4 in total "brought some movies to watch: Killer Klowns from Outer Space, Chopping Mall, The Gingerdead Man and my personal guilty pressure Attack of the Killer Tomatoes" a cheesy smile planted on his face he stepped into the apartment and sitting on the sofa in the same spot Doug had been sitting "it smells like beer, pizza and Doug in here" I had to laugh and Hanson sniffed the air around him "and? And the Jefferson high bathrooms did doug bring work stuff home with him?" Lie lie lie "uh yeah you know Dougy the quiet achiever" nailed it "huh" Tom shrugged it off as he got himself a beer "you know we should make a few snacks, popcorn and what not" oh joy.... "Dawson doesn't really keep that kinda food in the house" Tom almost rolled his eyes I knew he hated Dawson but the fact he sucked it up and let me whine to him about Dawson meant alot to me... More than he knew "it ok I'lol run to the store and you set everything up ok?" Thats something else I admired about Tom, he always made things work even at 2:30 in the morning. Tom grabbed his keys as he left for the store leaving me alone to set up the sofa bed and movies, I knew Hanson had been at work all day so I put the movie he wanted to watch most on so if he felt asleep he'd be able to watch it.

Tom had been gone about 20 minutes now so I took the chance to get changed into my PJs and get comfortable and by PJs I meant an old band shirt 3 sizes to small and some old rolled up basketball shorts. As I was pulling my shirt over my head I head the door open "hey Ch- oh my god I'm so sorry" pulling my shirt on quickly I turned around to see the red faced Tom Hanson "oh please Tom you've seen me in a lot less or do you not remember holding me naked soaking wet in a blanket in a room full of people... Thanks for that by the way" I joked at him but all it did was make him blush more "I uh got you some peanut butter too cause I know you love that but Dawson won't let you have it" he's the over achiever unlike Doug "thanks! so let's do this?" Tom face still didn't return back to its normal shade.

Curled up under a queen sized blanket Tom and I had made ourselves a nest of sorts with cans of soda a half empty bowl of popcorn and a half eaten jar or Nutella... But to be honest with you I wasn't really watch the movie I was thinking about how close we both are, the fact Tom is wearing my boyfriends sweatpants as PJs, the fact my back is resting on his exposed chest and his arms are around me holding so close to him that I could feel his lungs expand and his heart beat in my rib cage.

I could feel that Tom was starting to get tired "maybe we should get some sleep Tom?" The fact he yawned after is finished my sentence was enough of an agreement. Not bothering to let me go as he laid back resulted in me half on top of him and a cheeky grin on his face. A silence filled the air but not an awkward one it was a rather pleasant on, I looked into his eyes and he looked right back into mine it was almost like he wanted to- his warm lips pressed to mine kissing me softly, 1 hand held the back of my head whilst the other held my lower back... Is this really happening?

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