Chapter One - The Fox's Wedding

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Never had I imagined such a day would come. That I, feckless fox that I am, would marry a human woman. I did not believe such as I could love anyone, much less a mortal. Now I cannot imagine my life without you, Hotaru. Neither time nor Hell will tear us asunder. This has been proven.

I will fight time for you, against the gods if need be. I have earned the right to be your husband, through blood and fire. You are mine and I am yours. Our souls are bound for eternity. I do not understand why or how this came to be, but I trust in it, and you, completely.

A mild drizzle falls while sunlight fills the cloud-strewn sky with gold. Rainbows dance everywhere among the cherry blossoms, the petals of which flutter down upon us the moment we step foot onto the path of light. We walk beneath the sakura, which always make me think of you. For like you, the blossoms are beautiful and fleeting. Like them, I will make you bloom eternal.

I refuse to acknowledge that I shall lose you to death and time. No. I shall find a way. You are the only woman I want by my side forever.

I look over and down at you and you glance up at me shyly. Beneath the half-mask, your cheeks turn color. You are so beautiful in your wedding finery, you take my breath away. It is difficult to tear my eyes from you. Your scent calms me, as does your warmth. I am happiest when you are with me. I cannot imagine a world without you by my side.

I have never had a true mate before, so I am excited to be a husband. It is only a title, but somehow it makes a world of difference. This declaration of my role in our partnership makes it tangible, binding. I am your guardian, your confidante, your lover and provider. You are the center of my universe without which I would spin out into the void of nothingness.

I am defying the gods by this act, I know that. I feel the old twinge in my chest that warns me of my wrongdoing. I shove the sensation away, unwilling to give in. Who are they to tell me what is right and wrong? They make the rules to serve their personal needs, not out of any true benevolence for anyone. I know their secrets.

Besides, I have been a criminal in their eyes for a long time. What is one more crime added to the list?

Our daughter and the denizens of my world trail behind us as we make our procession to the lake. Everyone is wearing kitsune masks, as is tradition in a Fox Wedding. The onibi wisps dance around, weaving in and out of the celebrants in their best attire. Even in my world of illusion, this is truly magical. I have dreamed of this day throughout my long confinement away from you. Now that it is here, it feels more like a dream than ever. I feel like a king, and you are my queen.

We turn the bend and there it is, the shore of the black lake, although this, too, is an illusion, albeit a natural one. The water is crystal clear, and the darkness is the abyss below. It is only proper that we join in wedlock upon the bridge where our two worlds meet. When we speak our vows before the koi, that the venerable ancient one, we shall be united in body and spirit.

You take hold of my hand and squeeze, temporarily startling me. I feel your anxiety, and all I can do is squeeze your hand to show you my confidence. It appears to be enough. You manage a weak smile. We walk the final distance and I burn this moment into my memory. I never want to forget a single second of the day I married you, my precious Hotaru.

I step foot on the bridge with you and walk out onto the center of the span. We kneel upon the pillows provided for us. It is so serene, with only a bare breeze to rustle the sakura boughs surrounding the lake. I have made it all perfect in every detail for our special occasion. This will not be a typical ceremony, for the gods do not sanction us. Therefore, there is no need to say prayers or do rituals for them.

Our rite is held mostly in silence, with the only noise being the rain dripping steadily into the lake waters below. The solemnity is underscored by the playing of a koto by your kejōrō maid. Sacred sake is poured and served. We take off our masks and I take hold of the ochoko that is passed to me.

"I will love you forever," I swear fiercely as I put the cup to my lips and drink thrice. Then I place the cup in your small, waiting hands.

"I will love you in every life I live," you vow. I watch you finish the offering. Upon the third swallow, we are fox and wife.

I feel triumphant! By this symbolic gesture, we are wed. At last, Hotaru, you are truly mine! No one can tear us asunder now.

But the joy in my heart soon turns to dross when a most frightful thing occurs.

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