Chapter Fifteen - Confinement

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I lie awake in my cell, listening to the weeping of the creatures in their cages. I hear them on the floor above with my sensitive ears, a few daring to whisper to one another until the scuffing of a guard's shoes draws near, then they fall silent. Mostly, it is quiet. The weight of despair falls heavy with the setting sun.

I tried to think of ways to escape. My 'new master' will be prepared for anything I could attempt, and that is little enough. I stare down at my shackles, powerless to remove them. Is it possible to win my freedom? I have to hope so, but I know this to be true: No one who becomes a slave believes they will stay one, and few enough are freed or contrive to win their freedom.

For the first time in centuries, I am truly in over my head. Usually, I can talk my way out of almost anything. That is not possible here, isolated from even the guards. My body itself is a prison, for although this form is my strongest, it is also ugly and cannot speak very well without human lips. I am frightening, and so my powers of seduction are stolen from me. I cannot transform without the keyholder's permission, and he can summon me back instantly no matter how far or fast I flee.

In my turmoil, think about you, my beloved Hotaru. Are you safe? Did you get away? Do you still live? I am worried about you. You are a human alone in a world of gods. How will you fare without me?

I remind myself that you are a resourceful woman. You gutted the tengu. You survived drowning and our years apart, raising our daughter alone. You are stronger than I give you credit for, simply because you are human. You are resilient.

Find our daughter, Hotaru, and leave this vile realm. I will find a way free myself from my predicament and I will find you. I swear...

How can I do that? I feel so lost, Hotaru. I thought I was stronger by myself, but I was best with you by my side. This confinement is worse than when the priest imprisoned me in my realm. I am so afraid for you and Tsukiko that I forget to be afraid for myself.

But the truth is, the dragon is not wrong. If Inari or the war god get ahold of me, I could spend centuries being broken. I am strong, but against gods and dragons, what am I but a fox after all? Even I am not so arrogant to believe I can come through this unscathed. No, I must not change hands. I have to escape this wretched hole. Somehow. Think, Isamu, think!

Yet, try as I might, I cannot come up with a plan that has even a small chance of working. I am frustrated. 'Steady. Do not give up,' I tell myself. I have been in tight spots before, and always found my way out. I killed to do it when necessary.

'The opportunity will present itself. Be patient. The moment awaits, and I must keep my wits not to lose it when it happens.'

Knowing that you and Tsukiko are out there without me? It is so difficult to still my distress and stay alert. I am depressed, blaming myself and circumstances for my predicament. Like the others here, it's so easy to get lost in self recrimination and despair...

I force my thoughts away by sheer will. That line of thinking and feeling is an indulgence of the lesser self. I will not succumb to such nonsense. I make my own fortune and create my own destiny. If it is freedom I seek, I must be ready. Wallowing in self pity is like floundering in mud. It just gets you filthy and stuck.

I hear the scuff of shoes on the ground. The dragon is leaving his office for the night. He passes by my cage, then stops. I feel the dragon's eyes on me. His musky odor assaults me. He snorts to himself, and I smell the brimstone expulsion from his nose. I do not deign to look at him. I affect my sorrow and appear dejected, broken. It is easy to prove convincing, given my current mental outlook.

"A prosperous and fortunate day indeed," he chuckles to himself. "To think such a thing should wander in here. I can get a good price for a rogue kyuubi." I hear the smile in the twist of his words. "I will save you for the end of the auction."

Good. That will buy me time. I will take all that I can get.

He whistles as he walks away toward the stairs, obviously in high spirits over acquiring me. There is only one thing to do. I must carry on, find you and our daughter, and make a place for us where we can live in peace. I must find my way out of here swiftly. Then I will not be sundered from you again, I promise!

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