Chapter Ten - The Calm Before the Storm

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*miko - shrine maiden
*torii gate - the structure that marks the threshold between the mundane world and the mystical

I lay drowsing in his warmth in the aftermath. I cannot believe I was so bold, but I needed him, not his reprimand. He seemed to understand that, or perhaps the sexual nature of his appetites distracted him. Either way, he is no longer stern, but warm and loving. I need this more than his disapproval.

Between the rain outside and his seed cooling upon my thigh, I am reminded of that day in the old shrine, before my brother and the priest came in to sunder us. I hope it is not a premonition. I fear losing my husband and the life we are beginning to build together, but I will gamble them to save Tsukiko. Mitsuaki will do no less. Our daughter's safety is far more important than our comfort.

But just now, I need that comfort. The loss of Tsuki-chan is a knife wound in my heart. I can never replace her. Yes, I hope there is a child growing inside of me, and I want Tsukiko to be there to watch her sibling born in this world, to enjoy a loving family.

I lazily run my hand over my abdomen, imagining the life growing inside of me. I am sore inside, but it is almost pleasant. He did not take my energy this time. The truth is, without the sleep he told me to get, I don't think I could handle it. Of course, now that we don't have much time left, my body is deciding it wants to slumber. It feels so good snuggling into my demon husband, surrounded by his fluffy tails, the gentle patter of raindrops... 

Gently, Mitsuaki shakes my shoulder. "It is nearly twilight. We must leave soon," he whispers.

I nod and rise. With his illusion spell around me once again, there is no need to worry about the state of my appearance. We simply get up and leave the little inn. The streets are crowded in the lantern light. Some are going out to eat, others to drink or gamble, or see theater. More are going to the shrine. Everyone has their own path.

Mitsuaki pulls a cart out of the alley, but whatever is underneath the blanket, I do not know. I walk ahead of him and warn people that he is coming through as he trudges along. Few people pay us much mind except to get out of our way. In this guise, he is quite ugly and plain as can be. It is difficult to believe this is my beautiful kitsune, until our gazes connect. His eyes can never lie to me.

We stop outside the main entrance to the huge shrine, and I sense my husband's unease.  The great torii gate that guards the threshold radiates divine power. The road is lined with those going to pray to the god of wealth and abundance. We are directed to go around to another entrance. Mitsuaki nods to me, assuring me this is all right, but I feel his tension. He would never betray his fears to me, but he is going into the teeth of his own dragon for the sake of our daughter. My heart swells with love for him. This is why I married him.

At the gate, there is a different kind of line, formed by those like us. A priest and a miko stand guard and look at what the merchants have. Some are turned away, while others with finer wares to sell are admitted. I'm worried. What if it is not enough? If we do not pass, how will we save Tsukiko?

Then it's our turn. I hold my breath. The priest pulls back the blanket, and gasps. So does the miko. For the first time I see what is inside.

They are shuki sets, but of such quality! The decorations are painted in gold and the artistry is beyond compare. Where did Mitsuaki get these? How? Is it a part of his illusions? The priest nods and puts the blanket back in place. We are allowed to go inside.

My husband pretends to strain against the cart to get it moving again, although I know he is much stronger than he is letting on. I pass through the gate and feel nothing, but I see Mitsuaki tremble as we cross the threshold. He is a demon, and this is a shrine. This is why he is afraid. I feel the illusion shimmer, but it does not fade.

No one appears to notice, so we follow the line ahead to a set of beautiful doors in one of the buildings. I see a golden thread beneath my feet that leads through them. I blink. Can anyone else see it? I pretend like I do not and stay fixed by Mitsuaki's side.

The doors open, and I cannot see what is on the other side. It is too bright. I squint against the glare. Step by step, we draw nearer. I am afraid. What is on the other side? Another world with new rules that I am breaking simply traveling there.

Tsukiko's image swirls before my eyes, and I steel my resolve. Nothing and no one will stop me from getting her back. I take a deep breath. We are the next to go. Mitsuaki and I nod at one another. When we cross the threshold, we disappear into the light.

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