Chapter Two - The Fox's Bride

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I walk with my head slightly downcast, petals floating before my vision. Everything looks surreal, swimming in and out of focus. I am so nervous that I will trip and ruin my wedding kimono. My wedding kimono... my wedding.

I will be Mitsuaki's wife.

I know he does not like me to think of him that way, preferring the name he gave himself, but I cannot help it. Something about his real name resonates in my soul, like a string struck upon a shamisen. I steal furtive glances at my husband-to-be. This is not like the first time I wed, when I was barely older than a child. I've known this man in every way, born his daughter. I am his wife in all but name. Yet, somehow I am more nervous now than when I was a maiden with a stranger.

Maybe it's because it means so much more with Mitsuaki. When I marry this time, it will be for love. He's so handsome in his mask and wedding kimono. I glance at his ears, twitching as the intermittent rain lands on the silky fur. I smile and wish I could pet the droplets off.

And therein lies the other reason for my nervous disposition. My consort is a demon.

Is it wrong to wed a yōkai? I tell myself I do not care if it is. But I also know it is forbidden. I am about to defy the kami.

It is because I am mortal. Love and marriage between a human and a yōkai is taboo. I understand why. I will die one day, and then what will Mitsuaki do? His grief will be eternal. Will it twist him into the monster I saw rampaging that day in the town?

I inhale and blot that terrible memory out. I wish I could forget what my demon lover was capable of in his rage, although that's not the truth. I love him for all that he is, even the parts that are terrible.

The bridge reminds me of the last time I was here. Was it only two weeks ago? It seems longer, and not long at all. I was so afraid of the monster in the lake and the bridge above the door to other worlds. Most of all, I was afraid of losing my fox lover.

It still gives me vertigo, and I have this silly fear of falling in and disappearing forever. I know it will not happen, that the bridge is stable and Mitsuaki would never let me fall. There are railings. Yet, the sensation persists.

I reach out and grip his hand in mine, just to know he is here. He holds it reassuringly, smiling down at me. I smile shyly back. I wanted this, all those days and nights when I yearned for him to return to me after the first time he was ripped away. That was not so long ago, either.

Can it be that I have finally found my happy ending?

We set out upon the span. The walk to the cushions set out for us takes no time at all. Every step is a blur. I kneel, and for a moment I am so overcome with emotion I nearly cry. This is really happening!

I hear the music, the raindrops pattering the surface of the lake underscoring the mildest balmy breeze. Everything is absolutely perfect. The ceremony begins and my heart soars to hear his words. He loves me more than anything, and no husband could be more true. My lower lip trembles as he commits himself to me, and soon the ochoko is in my hands.

I say the words that are true to my heart, for I know I have been with him before in another life, and I believe it will be so again. I hope we always find one another, for my soul will not remain parted. And when I take my final sip, I know that Mitsuaki belongs to me forever, and he could not be more pleased.

I am so happy! I choke back a sob with a trembling breath, and my kitsune looks at me. He is so beautiful! I love my nine tailed fox with all my being. I see my feelings reflected in his eyes. My husband...

In the moment I am most overcome by love, it happens. At first, there is light rising from the lake. I am too startled in my ignorance to understand. From out of the water shoots up a golden being emitting a light too bright to see. The divine messenger hovers in midair, and when it speaks, its voice is terrible.

"Enough! This is forbidden! Have you no shame, former shinshi of the rice kami?"

Mitsuaki stands protectively in front of me, hand on his katana. "This is my realm, and it is subject to my rules. I am doing none of you any harm. For the long service I have done, let me live in peace."

"Your peace is fleeting, kyuubi. You know the reason this is taboo. And still you continue on in this infamy?"

"I do. I must! My heart bids me. Whatever is wrong out there, it is permitted here."

"No, you are wrong. Already you have brought one hell spawn into creation, and you plan more, yes? This cannot continue."

I stare up at Mitsuaki's back, his long hair stirred by the breeze. I am afraid. I feel guilty, for I know it is wrong to love a yōkai. But I want to reach out and stroke those fine white strands, pet the tails that fan out around him...

I love him too much to obey the gods. So I stand and take my place by his side. I place my hand upon his back. He looks down at me, and I see his anxiety. Neither of us knows what is about to happen. But this much I do know: I will never deny my feelings for my beautiful fox.

"For your impertinence, you shall both be punished. Stay isolated in your land of make believe, since you will be hunted if you leave it. The poison fruit of your union belongs to the gods. The kami alone can contain and harness this abomination between human and ayakashi before she destroys both worlds."

The light from the being becomes too bright, and I am blinded. I squeeze my eyes shut. When I test my sight by opening an eye, everything appears darker. The sky is thunderstorm grey, the rainbows gone. I look around, remembering what the divine messenger said.

"Tsukiko?" I call out. She is no longer here. My heart races! My child! My baby! Where is my daughter? I feel frantic.

"Tsukiko!" I scream out, as if that can bring her back.

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