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After kakashi gave his mission report he went home for some much needed rest.

I guess I am a little lonely. Constantly coming home to an empty house just doesn't feel lile home.

Thought kakashi as he changed into some comfortable clothes, and went to lay down. However before he could lay down and rest there was a loud knock at his door.

"Yeah, I'm coming." Yelled kakashi.

As kakashi opened his door he was drenched in water. There at his door was might guy with a large empty bucket.

"Haha! I bet you were not expecting that after your mission kakashi." Said guy with a laugh.

Really guy now. You have to pull something like this NOW. How am I supposed to hide the run off of the make-up?
Thought kakashi as he slightly panicked in his mind.

"Oh, hehe. No I wasn't guy, but why the water?" Asked kakashi as he leaned on his door to try and hide the run off of the make-up.

"Because, kakashi I challenge you to a swimming competition" Said guy with a smile.

No no way. I can't have a swimming compilation with guy he would see my mark. I have to get him to leave, and soon.

"Sorry guy, but after the mission I was just on I'm pretty tired. Maybe some other time, okay?" Said kakashi.

"Of course my dearest rival. I would only want you at your best for our competitions otherwise it would not be fair." Said guy with a head nod.

"Great then I'm going to go rest, and then mayb-"

Kakashi was cut off by naruto and sakura running towards him and guy.

"Kakashi sensei, kakashi sensei!" They yelled together.

"Yes what is it you two?" He asked.

"We want to see your soul mark." Said sakura.

"Well more than what we saw when your shirt was cut during the mission." Added naruto.

"Well kakashi why didn't you tell me you got your soul mark?" Asked guy.

"Oh...um...well I-"

"We could have had a competition to see which one is better. That would not exhaust you any further, and naruto and sakura would get what they want to. Everyone would win, haha." Said guy as he pushed naruto, sakura, and himself inside.

No I have to keep this hidden. What other choice do I have. I- I can't hide this any more I'm caught any way so I might as well tell him, but not infront of naruto, and sakura.

"Alright, alright. Naruto, sakura I need you to do something very important for me. I need you two to deliver this to the hokage for me, and wait there for a reply. Can you two do that for me?" Asked kakashi.

"Sure thing kakashi sensei." They said excited.

"Thank you both." He said as he watched them leave.

Well here goes nothing.
He thought as he turned and faced guy.

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