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I just got out my meeting with my label and they said my tour was back on but earlier than I thought. One month. Not to mention the tour last 2 months. It would of been longer but it's a mini tour.

K.O. and I were still in the honeymoon stage of our relationship and I don't want this to affect it in any way. Plus she's really busy with her career and business, within the last month her store has bummed because she did a model hair by the name Therealkylesister. So either she's at the office, her shop or somewhere with me and I'm getting so used to it now it's shorty coming to an end. My phone rang and I looked down at me lap.

𝒦.𝒪. 💍🤰🏽 would like to FaceTime you......

I swiped over to answer to see K pouting with her lip poked out.

"Jaaay." She whined plopping down one her chairs in her office.

"What's wrong mama's." I already know what she wants, food. She does this almost everyday. I was already otw to her shop with her Chick-fil-A. Number one with no pickles, medium with a sprite.

"I'm hungry but I can't leave the inspector man is supposed to be coming soon." She whined.

"Come out to the back real quick." I said flipping the camera showing her the bag and hung up the phone. She came out within the next couple seconds smiling. She came to my side which meant she wanted me to get out.

"Thank you babe, I'm starving." She smiles and stood on her toes kissing my lips. I wrapped myself around her gripping her ass.

"Hmmhm I know." I responded kissing her and letting her go.

"Come inside with me." She said grabbing the bag and cup walking away. I turned my car, locked my shit up and went behind her. I been here almost everyday and never been inside. We walked back to the last door in the hallway and went inside.

Kamora POV

We were just chilling in my office when there was a knock on the door. "Come in" I said a few seconds later and Kassidy came in with a "uhh huh" look looking between me and Jay.

"First I could hear you down the hallway and the inspector man is here." She closed the door back and Jay stuck his fingers in his mouth. Nasty ass

"I told you to be quiet now look what happen." He sat down in my office chair drinking some of my drink.

"It's your fault but we're not done so give me 20 minutes." I kissed him and waddled to the door. I wasn't in pain but discomfort. I had to stand in place for a minute to acclimate.

"If you actually think about it, it was your fault. You started kissing on me and shit so." He shrugged his shoulder. I stuck a bird at him and made it to the hall way.

The minute I walked in everyone started clowning me for being so loud. I did the walk of shame all the way to the front of the store to the inspector man.


Fat ma just got tore up and we were in the shower for the second time today. This man sex drive is like a pregnant lady in the second trimester.

"Oh how did your meeting go baby." I asked totally forgetting about it. He turned off the shower and passed me a towel.

"It was straight, the tour back on so that's good." He said nonchalantly. Umm okay

"Omg baby that's great, congratulations." I pulled him down into a hug and kissed him. "What's wrong with you aren't you excited?"

"I mean yeah but it start next month." He said and I frowned.

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