2: Sweets 'n' Sipping Tea

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It felt like falling... but after being asleep for a long time. You know you're not actually falling but you can't move. Kurapika was feeling that but much more intensely.
"Doctor!" An unknown person's voice rang through Kurapika's ears. "His heart monitor, it's responding."

Kurapika struggled to open his eyes but was curious to as who was shuffling towards him. He felt a figure lean over him and became slightly alarmed, but he realised... he didn't mind it... the aura was so calm and kind... he just wanted to melt into it...

Then, Kurapika's eyes shot open: just suddenly. Maybe it's because he'd never slept so calmly and carefree before. He regretted opening his eyes, as his right temple suddenly throbbed. Why specifically his right side, he had no idea.

The monitor began beeping at a regular pace, and the figure that was above Kurapika breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Kurapika expecting him to be asleep.

But he just froze. Brown eyes met tired grey ones from across the room. Kurapika took in the man's features: dark brown eyes covered with round, black-rimmed glasses and hair that was softer than it looked. And of course, aquamarine-green hospital scrubs Kurapika would've unconsciously begun fixing the wrinkles in his scrubs, had he had enough strength to move his hands. He knew this man. He was sure-


Kurapika had just blurted out the first name that came to mind. He glanced at the name tag: Leorio Paladinight. Upon confirmation that this was the Leorio he knew, blood suddenly rushed to his face, and he swore that the room had gotten warmer; and the cause was not the hospital blankets...

Had Leorio always been like this? This...attractive? No, I mean yes, but- how do I put this-?

But maybe that wasn't it. Was he really blushing out of relief and bashfulness? Happiness? Or was he ashamed and embarrassed Leorio had to see him hurt like this? So defenseless, so weak and so, so fucking-

Kurapika tried to say hello, or something of normal gesture but all that came out was an odd clearing of his throat.

Leorio ran his hands through his hair, taking the stethoscope off from around his neck.
God, if he was caught here. Kurapika stiffened and chewed his lip at the thought. He winced at his already-bust lip as his teeth caught onto it. He almost forgot he was injured.

"It's me," Kurapika glanced up at the man while using one finger to dab at his bleeding lip. Leorio's eyes were glossed over with fatigue, but there was reassurance in them. "Relax."

That's right, he wouldn't be arrested with Leorio here. It was Leorio that was treating him. The police couldn't possibly find him here, right? That was the issue with a public hospital. Kurapika didn't untense though, and Leorio frowned a bit at him and sighed.

Leorio was finishing up and was giving the procedure a final check when-
Knock knock.
"Come in," It was a force-of-habit for Leorio, and this was the worst time he could've said it.




Melody stood in the doorway. "...Am I interrupting something?"

The pair blinked; then it hit them like a brick to the head.
Leorio was in between Kurapika's legs to provide ease to treat the injuries Kurapika had on his hips. He couldn't stand to the side because the goddamn wall was there. All professional reasons of course but saying this wasn't an insane cock-block would be lying.

Leorio quickly got up and cleared his throat. "No, not at all. It should be fine, so please come in, Melody."

Melody smiled and stepped inside, followed by the nurse that escorted her here. "Dr, the results of the blood test have come through.

Wait for me, okay? [LeoPika] (REWRITING PHASE)Where stories live. Discover now