4: Pancakes and Pretty Dresses

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Kurapika woke to the faint clanging of pans from the kitchen. He groggily sat up and glanced around him: the bed sheets weren't crinkled in the slightest. He blinked and realised he hadn't moved from the position he had slept in, but it was very much morning: the light streaming through the gaps in the curtain confirmed it. Well, at least he slept well.

He shuffled out, walking the best he could into the corridor. He blinked himself awake as the corridor was more well-lit and hit his eyes harder than the darkness of the bedroom. He groaned a little and made his way down the corridor and into the main area where the kitchen and living room was.

"Morning," Leorio said without looking back. "Sleep well?"

Kurapika nodded.

"Could tell." Leorio laughed and actually looked back this time, gesturing at the clock. "Thought you died in there."

Kurapika glanced at the clock. It was 10am. Not early to other people, but considering it was a fugitive and a surgeon with the shittiest shift schedule, yes, it was early.

"My bad, then," Kurapika clicked his tongue and folded his arms.

Leorio's eyes lingered a moment too long as Kurapika folded his arms. He watched the blonde's (well, his own) button-up shirt shift a bit as he crossed his arms, exposing his collarbone. He blinked and his eyes travelled down to his hips, where the loose waistband of the pants that were too big for him hung lopsided, exposing the elastic of his underwear. Leorio startled a bit, and quickly shifted his eyes to Kurapika's face instead, which looked...


Leorio hummed at the mention of his name. 

"I asked what you were making" Kurapika raised an eyebrow, motioning to the pan. 

"Pancakes." Leorio said slowly, feeling his face get warm, and it was not the hob this time.

Kurapika's face lifted a bit, but then he quickly regained his posture, with a slight blush of embarrassment. "Thank you, and I'm sorry I couldn't be of much help.

Leorio grinned his stupidly wide grin again. "Nah, don't worry."


Kurapika closed the door to the bathroom, making his way again to the kitchen counter once again. But this time, the smell of breakfast filled the room. 

"Smells good," Kurapika stretched as he sat on the stool by the breakfast-table. Leorio smiled at this and handed him a plate of pancakes. "Sorry I couldn't help much."

Leorio rolled his eyes, but it didn't seem to offend. "Stop saying that, it's fine, really," He smiled again. "I like doing it, to be honest."

Kurapika stabbed at the pancake layers, laced with syrup. "House-husband, then?" Kurapika joked.

"God, shut up." Leorio laughed as he sat opposite Kurapika, starting at his own plate too.

The next half hour was filled with casual conversation, laughter and the occasional spill of syrup as Kurapika's shoulder rendered his balance off-point. To which he profusely apologised about everytime it happened of course, but Leorio didn't mind. They conversed about work, about how long Kurapika's hair had gotten, or the weirdest patients Leorio had seen.


"Want something to drink?" Leorio piped up, mid-conversation. 
"Yeah, I'll get it though," Kurapika stood up and walked to the fridge. "In here, right?"
Leorio nodded. "Yeah, think I got apple juice somewhere in there. You like that, right?"

Kurapika's face tingled again, and he paused a moment too long out of embarrassement. "Yeah, thanks, Leorio."

Leorio noticed how much he liked Kurapika saying his name. He felt a bit weird thinking it, but it's not like the latter would ever know.

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