Chapter 1

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"The winners of the competition are, Karasuno Highschool!"


"Congratulations, you will be participating in the country wide competition!"

"If there are any updates we will notify your captain, and if you have any questions feel free to ask."

After bidding their goodbyes to the other schools they went to talk to the officials about the finer details. Soon the guys left the gym to go change while in there Hinata struck up a conversation.

"We did it!" Hinata exclaimed in disbelief.

"Yeah, it's not like they announced it two minutes ago." Tsukishima snarkily replied.

"Tsukishima! Be nice!"

"Yes 'Dad'."

"That's not how you treat your upperclassman-" Noya got cut off.

"Seeing as you are as short as a child, and act like one you have no room to actually talk."

"Hehe-, Good one Tsuki!"

"Yamaguchi!" Sugawara exclaimed.

"Sorry, not."

"Both of you cut it out!" Daichi tried to reason.

"We should head to the bus before it leaves-" Asahi chimed in.

At the same moment Takeda walked in telling them to hurry up before they walked back. On the bus all of them went to sleep except for Hinata who was still bursting for energy. However he was being too loud so Daichi noticed.

"You better save that energy for the school work we missed."

And just like that all of the energy he had disintegrated. He quickly went to sleep not wanting to think about the impending doom of school.

A few days they were all called for a meeting in the middle of their classes. It was strange yes, but not unheard of.

"What did you need?" Kinnoshita asked politely.

"There has been a change of plans." Takeda stated in a calm yet somewhat panicked tone.

"Continue please." Daichi reminded.

After taking a deep breath Takeda said "We need to pick a child to represent us."


"The sponsors wanted to change things up and requested to do so."

"Details, Takeda, Details."

"The age has to be 7 to 10 and if we don't get a kid we are disqualified."

"We worked all this way- for this?!"

"I'm sorry it's not my fault."

"This is why I didn't get excited, I knew something like this would happen."


"I can get my little sister to do it!" Hinata piped up.


"Are you sure?"


"Okay, we're trusting you with this don't blow it like last time please."

"I promise!"

"Alright. Well that's it for the meeting you can go back to class even though there isn't much time in the day left."

"See you all!"

"Bye Hinata good luck!"

"Thank you!"

The day passed by quite quickly so when Hinata got home he had a ton of energy left. He immediately went to go to his sister's room before leaving because she was sleeping. Self doubt started to peek through him. What if she says no? His team is depending on him there's no way he could face them if that happened.

Instead of focusing on that he just went outside to practice, he could just ask her at dinner.

I know I put this off for a while but I am back! I kinda fell out of the fandom but I did get back into it. I'll be trying to update more soon. I hope this format is better because it definitely is to me. Imagine I used to write in one huge block. I hope you enjoyed it! Take care I love y'all!

Word Count: 583

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