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Sorry all of this is in 3rd person because it's late and my insomnia let me sleep a little bit for once. If you'll miss the fluff go check out my writing frustrations that's where all teams x their kids will be. I hope you enjoy!

It has been a while and Karasuno has made it to nationals with Natsu cheering in the background like there's no tomorrow. Natsu originally openly expressed how much she hated volleyball when she was at school. Then at the first chance she got she joined a team hoping to be like the team she adored so much one day. The team had normal visits with Natsu to help her train or just to reminisce. They won at nationals and had to wait a good 2 or 3 months for internationals. During this time period most of the team had to go off on their own.(2nd and 3rd years it's a college and high school AU). There were many tears and Natsu felt a piece of her was always going to be missing if they left. They promised to keep in contact with her but since they moved their visits were now decreased by many. The International game was going to take a month and event though most of the team left they still visited twice a month. One last thing was said before they left and it brought tears to all eyes that heard it and saw it.

'You'll always be Karasuno's little princess.'

I hope you guys enjoyed the story! I actually cried because I made a whole scene in my head and I wrote this with sad music playing. If you guys want an Epilogue for the other teams or just to know more about the kids please comment and tell me so! I'm so sorry for the lazy last updates I just seriously need to sleep when insomnia doesn't hit. I love each and every one of you thanks for reading! One last time: Have a good day/night everyone!

Word Count: 🎋 339 🎋

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