Episode 7

675 17 6

Jaune's Extra Training

Team JNPR had gathered outside of their dorm room to go practice. While three were excited to start, Jaune was quietly examining his own sword which seemed lacklustre when compared to the weapons of his teammates.

Nora: "Time for practice!"

Jaune glanced at his sword in hand, and quickly tucked it behind his back.

Jaune: "Uh, you guys go ahead. I'm gonna grab something from the room."

Pyrrha: "Don't be too long Jaune."

His teammates happily skipped to the training arena, excited to start. Jaune glanced to the side and noticed team RWBY's room had been left open. He walked in to see if anyone was inside, before unsheathing his sword with a glum look.

Then he noticed team RWBY's weapons were left in the room, even Hawk's sword had been propped up beside Weiss'. Jaune gasped in awe and dropped his own sword to the floor, quickly looking around to make sure nobody was around.

Jaune: "I mean, it's not like they're using them..."

A Chilly Prank

Hawk and Weiss were walking towards team RWBY's room, attempting to make plans for a date night. As Weiss went into her room to grab her scroll that had been charging, she let out a slight shriek as a bucket of ice water that had been delicately placed over the doorway, tipped over and drenched Weiss.

Yang: "Got her!"

Ruby: "Ice water for the Ice Queen!"

Ruby and Yang burst into laughter as Blake tried to hide a smile, while Weiss glared at the three. Hawk walked into the room with a towel, placing it around Weiss.

Hawk: "I think I found our date plan."

Weiss smirked in agreement before she went to dry off.

The next day came, and Weiss and Hawk put their plan into action. The others had to stay behind for class, and the two developed their revenge prank. Weiss had grabbed several buckets that they filled with buckets of snow, then attached them to strings that hung just above the door. Hawk rolled his shoulders as he readied himself for his part of the prank, as they hid themselves and waited.

Within minutes, they could hear Ruby talking to Yang and Blake as they approached the room.

Ruby: "So I said, "Now that's a katan-Ahh!!"

Before she could finish her sentence, the three girls screamed as the three buckets of snow were tipped over above them, completely covering them. Hawk's eyes began glowing and waved his hands, transforming the snow to make three snowmen. Ruby, Yang, and Blake managed to poke their heads out of the snowmen, staring in surprise as Weiss and Hawk stood triumphantly.

Hawk: "Now that's how you do an icy prank."

Jaune's Extra Training II

Jaune laughed like an excited child as he examined the weapons laying around in team RWBY's room. Thinking he should stick with a sword, he grabbed Hawk's first. Jaune smirked as he unsheathed Hawk's sword, twirling it around him while cutting down imaginary foes.

Jaune: "Ha! Take this! And some of th-aaatt!"

Jaune let out a slight yell of terror when Hawk's sword suddenly deployed its second blade, before they separated into two. Jaune quickly put away Hawk's swords, and then heard a slight giggle.

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