Wreckless (Vampire Diaries Fan Fic)

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I gazed at Klaus as he did who knows what on his phone.

"Not polite to stare, love." he muttered in his English accent, not taking his eyes off the screen.

I scoffed. "Oh, my apologies. I'm just thinking about the time you killed my family, kidnapped me, and drowned me with your problems." I said sweetly.

Klaus glanced up at me.

"What are you getting at, Remedy?" he asked, eyeing me curiously.

I leaned forward on the armchair I was lounging in. "Tell me why you chose me to be your....." I tried to think of an appropriate word. "Companion." I said.

Klaus let out a small laugh. "Well, what brought this on?" he chuckled.

"I can't remember my own family, Klaus. So, of course, you compelled me." I sighed, leaning back.

"Hm..." Klaus frowned and thought for a moment.

"Well, it all started in the 1920s at Gloria's..." he began.

*Flashback: 1920s-3rd person POV*

Klaus watched proudly as his sister, Rebekah, danced with his close friend, Stefan Salvatore on the dance floor of Gloria's. He couldn't help but let a smile spread across his face.

However, his smile faltered as he heard a noise through his vampire enhanced hearing. He frowned as he heard the sound of a handgun being reloaded with bullets.

"This is the police!!"

He snapped his head towards the door. Wooden bullets shot right across a picture frame. It didn't take long for everyone to start screaming and panicking.

Klaus took another hasty sip of his drink and quickly stood up. Stefan and Rebekah crouched behind the bar table.

Stefan noticed the bullets on the floor. He picked one up and analyzed it.

"They're using wooden bullets. They know." Stefan exclaimed.

Rebekah's eyes widened.

"That means he's here." she mused.

"Who? Who's here?" Stefan demanded.

Klaus came running towards them. "Rebekah! Come on we've got to go, sweetheart." he shouted over the gun shots. Rebekah instantly got up and strode quickly over to her brother. Klaus grabbed her wrist and guided her to the door. Stefan quickly followed both of them.

"What the hell is going on?" Stefan shouted, confused as hell.

"Stefan!" Rebakah said as she turned around with a worried look on her face.

"Go!" Klaus urged her to move on.

Stefan noticed that Rebekah accidentally dropped her necklace. He bent to pick it up but a hand on his shoulder stopped him. He glanced up at his close friend, Klaus. Klaus looked impassive.

"Stefan," he sighed warily,"I'm sorry, but the fun has to end here."

"What are you talking about?" Stefan asked still in shock.

Klaus stared deep into Stefan's eyes. It seemed like he was hypnotizing him of some sort...

"You must forget Rebekah and me until I say, otherwise, you never knew us, Stefan." Klaus said in a monotone. He said his last words with no expression.

"Thank you, I had forgotten what it was like to have a brother," he said quietly. Klaus disappeared away out the door leaving Stefan, compelled.

He looked around at all the screaming people and wondered why he was just standing there. He had humans to feed on.

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