Don't You Dare

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Klaus registered me, or more like compelled the principal, into Mystic Falls High School before he left town. Apparently I have to blend in more. So I took a shower, fed on a business man, and changed into a leather jacket, a brown V neck shirt, black skinny jeans, black combat boots, and brown Rayban Cockpit sunglasses. This is gonna be so stupid and boring.

~10 minutes later~

I walked through the small crowd of students that were outside the school. Many stopped their hugging and talking just to stare at me. I sighed. It always happens. Especially in these small towns; I'm the 'new girl'. People were murmuring and whispering. I wonder if I should shout out 'IM A NORMAL HUMAN GIRL, PEOPLE! NOTHIN' TO SEE HERE!'

I entered the building and glanced around. I dug around in my pocket and pulled out the picture of Katherine that Klaus gave me. I scanned every face of what it felt like the entire student body. No doppelgänger here.

I huffed and memorized the picture as I walked to class. How the hell did he even get this picture?

I had History class first. Hm, my favorite class. Turns out, the teacher's name is Mr. Tanner. I sat in the back, right by the window.

As I sat down, the teacher strode in. He did a little welcome thing and immediately began to teach. I glanced at the person next to me. He was eyeing me and I'm pretty sure he'll start drooling. I instantly remembered what Klaus told me.


I burst through the door and strode in the room.

"Klaus, I'm getting real sick of your shit. If you compelled every single male I see in the bar to stare at me, I will constantly annoy you until you finally decide to kill me." I growled.

Klaus glanced up at me.

"Well, I certainly wouldn't waste my time and compel every male in the bar, but I do know why they're staring at you." Klaus shrugged.

I raised an eyebrow. "Goodness, I hate it when girls like you don't realize it. I suppose I should compel the band One Direction to sing you 'What Makes You Beautiful'." Klaus muttered.

Uh, was that his way of saying I'm beautiful?

"Anyway, I am sure that they find you very attractive, love." Klaus said.

~Flashback ends~

I blinked and looked back at the teacher.

"Once our home state Virginia joined confederacy in 1861, it created a tremendous amount of tension within the state." Mr. Tanner said. I sighed and took off my sunglasses. I need to find some way to find out if the doppelgänger is in this class, because all I'm seeing is the backs of heads. So I purposefully yawned really loud, causing everyone to turn around and stare at me. I quickly analyzed every face until I stopped at one. The doppelgänger.

She looked exactly like Katherine, except her brown hair was pin straight. Other than that, she had the oval face, the olive skin, the almond eyes, everything.

"Am I boring you, Miss Remedy?" Mr. Tanner asked sarcastically. I looked up at the teacher.

"Yes." I said honestly. Then I stared deep into his eyes. "Now, keep teaching." I said in a monotone. All the students frowned as Mr. Tanner continued teaching.

I finally found the doppelgänger. And it only took me one minute in class.

I texted Klaus:

Me: Found her.

Klaus: Lovely. You know the rest of the mission.

I rolled my eyes and put my phone away. Psychotic hybrid moron. After that, many people made conversation with me and acted like they knew me for a decade when really I just met them. Psychotic humans.

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