Apples Smell Nice!

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I drove Bonnie and Elena to school today. We were talking about Elena and Stefan.

"I'm not saying not to date the guy. I'm just saying take it slow." Bonnie told Elena as we arrived at school.

"You were the one who said to go for it!" Elena said incredulously.

"Elena has a point." I nodded in agreement.

"Now I'm saying take it slow." Bonnie said as we slung our bags over our shoulders.

"You're single for the first time in your entire high school career." Bonnie exclaimed, "It's the perfect time to play the field."

Bonnie is being paranoid ever since she touched Stefan.

"Oh, because I'm so 'that girl'." Elena said sarcastically,"Seriously, what are you not saying?"

"It's stupid." Bonnie shook her head.

Elena stopped all of us from walking.

"Bonnie, spit it out." Elena urged.

Bonnie sighed. "I accidentally touched Stefan and got a really bad feeling." she admitted.

"You felt a cold feeling. Like death." I said.

"How'd you know that?" Bonnie gasped.

"It happens. But you should really talk to your Grams about it. I think she can help you." I said and then began to walk towards the school.

"Hey, don't forget about cheer leading practice!" Elena called. I clenched my teeth.

"Dang it." I grunted.

I hate the fact that I have to do a bunch of cheesy cheers and wave Pom Poms around. Sadly, Caroline forced me to. She threatened to take away all my ice cream and tequila.

The warning bell rang and I quickly walked to class.

~2 minutes later~

"World War Two ended in...?" Mr. Tanner urged the class. No one answered.

"Anyone got anything?" Mr. Tanner asked.

Mr. Tanner searched for a victim.

"Miss Juan?" he called on an Asian girl with glasses. She just shrugged.

"1945." Mr. Tanner sighed.

Then he asked another question.

"Pearl Harbor?" Mr. Tanner asked.

I looked over at Elena and Stefan. Elena was trying to convince Stefan to join the football team.

"Miss Gilbert?" Mr. Tanner called on her as his next victim.

"Hmm?" she turned to the teacher.

"Pearl Harbor?" Mr. Tanner repeated.

"Um..." she trailed off.

"December 7th, 1941." Stefan answered for Elena.

"Thank you, 'Miss Gilbert'." Mr. Tanner said sarcastically.

Everyone let out quiet laughs.

"Anytime." Stefan winked.

"Very well. The fall of the Berlin Wall." Mr. Tanner asked the class.

"1989." I blurted out.

Mr. Tanner looked at me. Now this was going to get serious.

"Keep it to the year." Mr. Tanner said.

I smirked.

"Civil Rights Act." Mr. Tanner began.

"1964." I replied.

"John F. Kennedy Assassination."

"1963." Stefan said.

Mr. Tanner frowned.

"Martin Luther King."

"1968" I said.


"1865." Stefan said.

"Roe vs. Wade."

"1973." I said.

(A/N: Goodness gracious you might as well use this as a little History class cheat sheet for your History test.)

"Brown v. Board."

"1954." Stefan said

"The Battle of Gettysburg."

"1863." I replied. I had to actually think about that one since I was turned in the '20s.

"Korean War."

"1950 to 1953." Stefan said.

"HA! It ended in 1952!" Mr. Tanner chuckled darkly.

"Uh, actually, Mr. Tanner 'sir', it was 53'." I defended Stefan.

Mr. Tanner glared at me.

"Look it up, somebody." Mr. Tanner demanded.

Everyone took out their phones and searched the internet.

"It was 19...53." some guy announced.

Everyone was murmuring excitedly about how we just tanned Mr. Tanner. Then there was scattered applause.

The bell rang and I got up and gathered my stuff and caught up with Elena and Stefan.

"How did you two know all of that?" Elena asked in amazement.

"Years and years of crossword puzzles." Stefan replied. I nodded my head in agreement.

"It's always so fun frying Mr. Tanner." I sighed happily,"I wonder if he likes apples like all the teachers in old movies just love for some reason?"

"Well, you do 'smell' like apples. That's something, right?" Elena shrugged.

I huffed angrily and stomped away. I used my enhanced hearing.

"Yeah, she apparently gets annoyed since we all kept telling her that repeatedly." Stefan explained.

"But apples do smell nice!" Elena protested.

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