Uninvited Visitors

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I sighed as me, Elena, Bonnie, and a bunch of other cheerleaders stretched for cheer leading practice. I feel like im in ponytail prison. I had my hair in a high ponytail and I had black short shorts on with a brown tank top.

"I can't believe I'm here." I muttered to myself. I watched as 2 girls were showing each other dance routines.

"Oh, you two are coming to dinner tonight." Elena stated out of no where.

"We are?" we asked in unison.

Elena nodded.

"Well that just came out of no where." I said.

"Me, you, Bonnie, and Stefan." Elena smiled to me.

Bonnie's smile immediately disappeared at the name 'Stefan'. Wow. She must reaaally hate him.

"You have to give him a chance." Elena sighed.

"Yeah, but...tonight's no good..." Bonnie obviously lied.

Elena and I stared at her in disbelief.

"Have you seen Caroline? I texted her like a hundred times." Bonnie said.

"Don't change the subject, Bonnie Bennett." I demanded.

"You're going to be there." Elena insisted.

"Fine!" Bonnie pouted. "I'll go."

"Good." Elena smiled.

"Seriously, where's Caroline?" I groaned. Geez, I'm over here wasting my time stretching my legs so much that I'm going to pull a muscle.

"I don't know. It's not like her." Elena shook her head, "Try her again."

Bonnie sighed and picked up her phone.

"You don't have to. She's here." I said without looking up.

They both looked up.

"Uh..." Elena stammered.

"Oh my gosh." Bonnie stared at Caroline and Damon as Caroline got out of the car. She kissed Damon on the lips and giggled at something he said.

"Really, Damon?" I growled. I knew he could hear me. He knew that I told him to stay away from her.

"Is that Damon Salvatore?" Elena asked me.

"Yep. He's a dick." I muttered,"After I told him not to go near Caroline."

I heard Damon scoff.

"You told him that?" Bonnie asked.

"Yep. Let's just say, he's not like Stefan." I sighed as Caroline strutted towards us.

"I got the other brother. Hope you don't mind!" Caroline giggled as she walked past Elena. Ugh, blonde cheerleaders. No offense to the blonde cheerleaders out there. Stay cheerful.

"Sorry I'm late girls! I was..busy." Caroline announced to all of the cheerleaders. She didn't sound sorry at all.

"All right, let's start with the double pike herkey hurdler!" Caroline ordered.

I looked over at Damon, giving him the 'get the flip outta here' look. He smirked at me and drove away.

And thats when the up beat music started. Caroline showed us the steps:

First, you put your arms up, then do a toe touch. Bend the elbows and then throw them outwards. Turn around and arms should be either side of you, hands balled in fists. Swing the hips, and touch your left toe, while turning around. Put your hands on your hips and start over again.

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