Raiding A Grocery Store

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Damon was holding Vickie right over the edge of the Grill's roof. If he let go, she would stumble and fall.

"Damon! What the hell are you doing?" I asked incredulously.

"Remedy! You still smell like apples! Anyways shhh. He'll be here in 3..2..1." Damon counted.

Stefan appeared right by my side.

"Damon, what the hell are you doing?" Stefan asked incredulously.

"Not bad." Damon nodded approvingly, "Have you been eating bunnies?"

I turned to Stefan.

"Wow, you dont feed on humans or at least blood bags?" I asked.

Stefan shook his head slowly, looking confused.

"Oh sorry. Let me introduce myself. I'm a hybrid. Vampire slash witch in the flesh." I smirked.

Vickie whimpered.

"Let her go!" Stefan ordered Damon.

"Really? Ok." Damon shrugged and pulled her over the edge even more causing Vickie to cry out in fear.

"No!" me and Stefan shouted in unison.

Damon laughed and threw her in front of Stefan.

"Relax. I dont need her to be dead, might." Damin exclaimed.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow.

Damon crouched down next to Vicki.

"What attacked you the other night?" Damon asked.

"I don't know an animal." Vicki squeaked.

"Are you sure? Think real hard. What attacked you the other night?" Damon was obviously compelling her.

"Ha ha very funny. I compelled her Damon. You'll get nothing out of her." I stated. Damon frowned and straightened up.

Then he pulled her to her feet and tilted her head.

He ripped out her stitches, revealing blood. Damon pushed her into Stefan's arms.

"Your choice of lifestyle has made you weak. A couple of vampire parlor tricks is nothing compared to that power that you could have, that you now need. But you can change that. Human blood gives you that." Damon encouraged darkly.

Stefan's eyes grew dark and veiny. I had about enough of this.

I stared at Damon.

He held his head and yelped out in pain. Stefan dropped Vicki and stared amazed at me.

I stopped inflicting pain on Damon.

"What is this about Damon? What, you want me to feed? So I'll kill? So I'll remember what it's like to be brothers again?" Stefan asked.

Damon laid on the ground breathing heavily as he stared at his brother.

"You know what? Let her go. Let her tell everyone that vampires have returned to Mystic Falls. Let them chain me up, and let them drive a stake through my heart. Because at least I'll be free of you." he said darkly.

I glanced between them. Awkward.....

Damon stared at Stefan, stunned.

"Wow. Ok." he chuckled.

"Damon you are crazy." I said.

I crouched down next to Vicki who was sobbing and stared deep into her eyes.

"You will forget about this whole thing. You were drunk or stoned or whatever. You ripped your stitches open on accident. Do you understand?" I said in a monotone.

"I understand." she replied in a monotone.

I stood up and waited.

Vickie frowned and looked around.

"What happened? Where am I?" she asked us.

"Ah, I ripped my stitches open." she grunted and touched the blood on her neck.

"You ok?" Stefan asked.

"I took some pills, man. I'm good." she chuckled, fuzzed out.

She got up and left.

"Well, my work here is done. Damon, fuck off. Stefan, eat bunnies." I said and left.

~Inside the Grill~

"Ugh, there's so much drama. Ever notice how the druggies are the biggest attention whores?" Caroline asked as she stared at Vickie and Matt. Matt was rebandaging Vickie's stitches.

"Uhhh...." Me and Bonnie just stared at her. I took a sip of my steaming hot coffee. Then, Stefan walked up to us.

"Hey, have you guys seen Elena?" Stefan asked.

"I think she went home." Bonnie replied.

Stefan sighed and turned to leave. Bonnie stopped him. She began to scribble a number down on her napkin.

"I'm gonna give you Elena's cell phone number and her email. She is big on texting, and to can tell her I said so." Bonnie said handing him Elena's info. When Stefan gratefully took it, their hands touched slightly. Bonnie suddenly froze and gasped, quickly letting go of the napkin while staring up at Stefan. I knew exactly what was happening. Only witches could feel it. When a witch touches a vampire, they feel the feeling of death. When they touch another witch, they feel a powerful feeling. That's the reason Klaus had Maddox to put that appear-to-be-a-human spell on me.

"You ok?" Stefan frowned.

"What happened to you?" Bonnie whispered.

I pinched her forearm and she snapped out of it.

"Oh, that's so rude. I'm sorry, excuse me." Bonnie got up and strode to te bathroom.

"Yeah, she kind of wigs out. It's kinda her thing." Caroline explained.

I gave Stefan the I-need-to-talk-to-you-about-what-just-happened look. I got up, taking my coffee with me. I went outside and waited. Stefan came out looking confused.

"It's a witch thing. Bonnie doesn't know that she's a witch yet. But when a witch touches a vampire, the witch feels the feeling of death." I explained.

"That happens all the time?" Stefan asked.

"Only to newbies. I felt it a few times but then it just faded away." I said, sipping my coffee.

"Well should we tell her?" Stefan asked.

"Uh, hell no. Her Grams will take care of that. I hope her dead ancestors didn't get to her." I sighed.

After that, I left for my house. I unlocked the door and immediately opened the freezer. No ice cream.

I growled. You know what? I'm going to break into the grocery store and grab everything I need.

I got into the car and slammed the door.

I turned on the radio and Romans Revenge by Nicki Minaj was playing.

I drove over to the grocery store, way past the speed limit.

I parked my car and stomped to the entrance.

I went through the doors and looked around. It was dark and deserted. First, I threw tomatoes at all the security cameras. Then, I switched the lights on.

I grabbed a cart and super sped to get all the food I needed. And didn't need.

I got noodles, cookies, spaghetti sauce, chicken, pancake mix, butter, sandwich meat, cereal, milk, cheese, bread, orange juice, vodka, sherry, beer, whiskey, cocktail, tequila, fruits, cherries, root beer, coffee mix, and ice cream. Sooo much ice cream. I even threw in some candy. I basically raided the whole store. I sighed happily as I loaded the bags into the trunk of my Bugatti. I drove back home.

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