prologue part 1

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It was suppose to be an easy mission: get in, find the weapon, destroy it, then get out. But one thing I learned about the CSAT, it's that nothing is ever easy whit them, I thought to myself, as I duck to avoid another round.

James: Watchtower this is Sinner-1, the CSAT knows I'm there. And they have locked down the main door, what's the status on that QRF (Quick Reaction Force)??!!

Watchtower: Sinner-1, Watchtower, the QRF is on its way, but encounter heavy resistance over.

I curse before sending a few rounds toward another soldier that try to reach me, killing him instantly. I know that I have no way out, and the QRF will never get here in time. The weapon was in the room behind me, whatever it was, they really wanted it back. With no other option left, I go back inside the room, grab one of my C4 charges and set it to 40 second.

James: Watchtower this is Sinner.... cancer the QRF, I'm not getting out of here. I'm setting the charge, tell everybody to pull back, it's about to get loud.

Watchtower: Say again??!!!

James: You hear me, sir "smile" I prefer to go with a bang, then end up in their hands.

Watchtower:..... understood, it was an honor sergeant.

James: Honor was mine.

As the soldiers close to me, the timer reach zero.

James: Kaboom your ass- was the last thing I said, before all I heard was an explosion and all I see was darkness.

So that was my prologue part 1, hope you enjoy, if you see any mistake, don't hesitate to let me know, but like I said, English is not my main language so don't expect perfection. See you next time

Operation Blue Shadow (arma 3 x girls Frontline Crossover)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ