Joining the Empire

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"Taurtis! It's been way too long" A boy in a bright green tunic had then jumped at him. Etho was beyond confused. Who was Taurtis? Who is the kid hugging him? And most importantly where were they as this was not the Hermitcraft server.

"Wha-what? Who?" Was all Etho could get out before the boy just cuddled into him. He tries to back up but the boy's grip is surprisingly strong for someone his size.

The boy looks up, smiling up at Etho. "We should get to the Empire, before the mobs swarm us. This version of mobs are terrifying, so let's hurry!" He pulls up an Admin Panel and types some controls in with one arm, the other still holding Etho's arm. How could someone so young have access to one of those? Better yet, why? Who would trust a child with one? Also, he lives in an Empire? What is even happening?

He doesn't have long to think or ask any questions out loud before the two are teleported in a small train station like area made from blocks that look like cobblestone but completely different textures.

"We can wait the night out here, I made sure it was well protected before my actual base, in case anyone needed a place to stay but were stuck near my Empire." The boy giggled. "My place is quite far from the others, but that's my own fault! I like it here." The boy backs off into a corner.

In the light Etho could see more than just a bright green tunic. He had dirty blond hair that swayed towards his right side, a green elf hat that matched his tunic. His eyes were gray with bags and yet full of life. He was probably exhausted from his Admin duties if he was anything like Etho's own.

The boy just slides down the wall to sit on the ground, still smiling at Etho. "I guess I should say we're safe, huh." He looks down at his communicator and starts typing on it.

<Grian> we are safe in my grain station, well on my side, not on spawns side.

<NettyPlays> good to hear you plunker, now have you talked to this ethoslabs person yet like you were supposed to?

<Grian> who? you mean taurtis? yeah! were still talking. though he hasnt said much to be honest.

<NettyPlays> umm, no. grian, the name was ethoslabs, not taurtis. it cant be him

<Grian> weeeeeelllll, maybe youre wrong and dont know what youre talking about

<Grian> now im going back to talking to him. maybe he will join me in my empire >:)

<Grian> unlike you guys. you guys just leave me by myself :(

<NettyPlays> well its not like its on purpose, you made your base really far.

<NettyPlays> and grian

<Grian> yes?

<NettyPlays> i think youre becoming delusional

<Grian> ..........

The boy looks up seemingly annoyed but quickly smiling back at Etho. "Well not how I wanted that to gooo, but I wanted to ask you something Taurtis."
Etho just looks at the boy confused. "I think you have me confused with someone else kid, I'm not-" Before he could finish that thought, the boy held out his hand.

"Will you join the Grian Empire with me? It's just me right now but I was kind of hoping you would join." The boy who Etho is now assuming is Grian, looked very excited at this thought. "No one else wants to join, but hey, that's their loss. I have plenty of TNT and ideas to prank them!" He giggles. A prankster with TNT, well this got Etho's attention.

"Oh really? What's in it for me if I join?" Etho questions, ignoring the fact that the child should probably not have access to TNT nor the fact that he still is calling him Taurtis.

The boy's eyes shine at the question. "Simple, a place to call your own and access to any of my farms. Sure they're all simple currently, but redstone doesn't do much in this version." He looks like he's in thought, perhaps thinking how else this could benefit him, or more so Taurtis. "Oh! If the Mafia or the Property Police come after you, you can find me to deal with them! They already seem to be after me but I don't really care.

Etho nods, still interested. Now there are two groups after a child who claims he has an empire. "Why are they after you?"

He chuckles. "Well, I may or may not have replaced part of the floor in the Property Police's station with TNT with the help of Netty, which caused Salem to freak out and punch one by mistake which caused practically the whole place to blow up. I rebuilt it of course, but I helped cause that problem. They're also irritated that I built my Empire in the middle of the ocean and took away the area for squids to live, I guess. Something like that." He tilts his head looking confused. "While the Mafia, I'm not too sure about them. They got Salem to grief my base but that's about it so far."

"Really then, you know what. Your offer interest me. I do like causing mischief, so why not!" He chuckles at the boy's response. The boy jumps up, immediately hugging Etho again.

"You will not regret this, I promise Taurtis!" Well now he's curious about this Taurtis fellow, if he looks similar to him, enough to make the kid think it's him instead, and the fact that he said he enjoyed causing mischief to a prankster, makes him wonder just how close he was to the mystery person.

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