Taurtis Arrives

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A couple days go by and Etho has been settling. He's still staying with Grian, especially after he had broken down and neither of them talked to the others about it, mainly just saying they talked and they're good now.

Grian has been keeping track of the Taurtis Summoning Platform as he still has hope his friend will come, and also because Etho said he should continue. It was the day that Grian would plant the last flower and he was scared Taurtis wouldn't come. He had to find an extra special flower but they were very limited in their flower selection still. Etho just encourages Grian to plant the right one.

It was almost sunset by the time Grian had settled which flower was worthy of being planted, and he was still nervous. Etho was by his side saying it would be alright.

Grian takes a sigh, shoves dirt aside, and places the flower gently into the dirt. He covers the area back up and presses the dirt on the flower before standing up. It was now or never, Taurtis would either be or, or he wouldn't.

A muffled sound appears, almost sounding like shouting but under a lot of layers. Grian's eyes widen when recognizing the sound, the voice. His shovel immediately gets shoved into the dirt, quickly undoing all the nicely planted flowers he's made.

Etho takes a set back, unsure about the sound he had heard. He had a sword ready in case of emergency that what they had heard was a mob of some sorts. Or maybe someone on the server playing one of Grian's game of pranks.

Grian broke through the dirt, his shovel going into a whole under the dirt, which wasn't falling below. An arm appears with a blue and red wristband.

"Taurtis!" Grian shouted excitedly. "You're finally here, I almost thought you weren't coming."

"Ha, yeah right. Like I'd let my best friend down. Get me outta here, it's kind of dark and I don't like it down here." A voice said. Etho couldn't see the source as all he could see was Grian and an arm.

Grian was digging more dirt away until he stopped and pulled the arm out, revealing a black hair guy with a blue shirt, headphones, black pants with suspenders, and black shoes.

"Freedom from a hole!" The boy who Etho assumed was Taurtis. He only knew he had black hair, a noticeable difference in his own white hair.

The two are a giggling mess hugging each other. Etho smiles at the sight of seeing Grian happy, it's a major changed as he was just about to lose hope of never seeing his friend again

Etho can't help but chuckle watching them, which gains Taurtis' attention.

"Oh hello there, I didn't notice you. You're like an actual ninja, aren't ya? " Taurtis beams at Etho, who just laughs at the boy's silliness.

"Why yes, yes I am an actual ninja." Etho replies.

"Taurtis, this is Etho," Grian gestures towards him. "He's kind of been helping me when you weren't here."

Taurtis' eyes widened in surprise. "Really? You were able to talk to another person about what happened? The full story?" He questioned.

Grian seems to shrink himself, wanting to not be there having this conversation. "Uhh, well not exactly all of it. Just some." He goes quiet.

Taurtis nods. "Some is better than none, I'm still glad you were able to open up somewhat to someone." Taurtis turns to Etho. "Well then, I'm Taurtis if you didn't know that already. Me and Grian are best friends from high school."

"Nice to finally meet you Taurtis, he doesn't shut up about you." Etho replies, deciding to tease Grian a little bit.

The two laugh as Grian goes red, clearly embarrassed by them. The shorter boy pulls TNT out, glaring at the two as Etho falls on the floor laughing and Taurtis jumps up, quickly backing away.

"No no no no, Grian. Not like this, I just got here, please." Taurtis pleads to the boy.

Grian grins watching Taurtis closely. "Well, why don't you join my Empire? You'll get protection here from my pranks and the Mafia and Property Police! If they go after you, I'll go after them." He offers, lowering the TNT.

"Yeah, sure. Why not. I'll join this Empire."

"Great! Now that's three members in total!" The smaller boy beams, putting away the TNT. "Etho's a member too."

"You are going to be my death, aren't you G?"

"I don't know what you mean Taurtis. Oh! I should give you a tour of the place, and maybe explain some things to both of you." Grian exclaims, jumping around the two.

"Yeah, probably. I've only seen the Empire. Maybe we should see spawn soon? You know, get our barrens out past the Empire." Etho chuckles as Grian puts the TNT away.

"I can always check out some of the traps I made too while we're out there. Maybe we can find something related to the Watchers as well."

"Watchers? And more traps?" Taurtis questions.

"I never explained about the Watchers, did I? We still don't know too much about them, besides they're like gods or something that build these stupid bedrock things which are supposed too either help us get too the next update or give us a clue too take us too the next portal for the update. Only one person has access to bedrock, me! And I don't like using it as it's such an ugly block." Grian crosses his arms. "So it's definitely not me creating these things, their builds are barely detailed! I like details in mine!"

The smaller boy is about to go on a long rant about the Watcher when Etho puts a hand on Grian's shoulder. "Calm down, you're ranting again." Grian stops his thought process to stare up at Etho.

"Yeah. Uh, let's go I guess?" Grian replies, scratching the back of his next.

The two taller boys nod and follow Grian's lead. He gives them a tour of his Empire, then they set off to spawn so he can give them the tour there.

Etho laughs at the chaos of the minecart booster Grian made, questioning why he's not using powered rails.

"Oh, redstone things like powered rails don't exist yet in this world. So this is how it works before powered rails come into play. Very stupid if you ask me but I can't complain, that's just how it works. Redstone is basically useless currently." The smaller boy explains.

The ninja nods in response. "Interesting. So is that what you meant when talking about Watchers leading you to updates?"

"Yep! Now come on, I'll show you how it works. Taurtis you first."

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