Taurtis meets the Evolutionists

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Grian wasn't sure when he had fallen asleep, but he had apparently. He wasn't even in his bed, but he was on top of someone. His thoughts came rushing back to him as he remembered Taurtis had finally arrived. He was beyond happy. He realized neither one of them were sleeping on a bed, though Taurtis was still sleeping. So he did the rational thing and lifted him up and onto the bed. Grian remembered his friend tended to sleep late, unlike himself.

He had a strange feeling though, early in the morning. He wanted to do his daily chores which normally included planting a flower on the summoning platform, but Taurtis was already here. He wouldn't be summoning anyone, yet he still didn't want to destroy it either.

So Grian did the one rational thing he could think of and planted a flower anyway. He was half way done planting flowers, why stop there? He should just finish the job like it still mattered to him.

His communicator started going off, with someone trying to get his attention. He sighed, that was annoying but he should still answer, he's the Admin after all.

<NettyPlays> grian, why dont you and your friend come to spawn so we can have a meeting together

<Grian> when he wakes up, sure. he tends to sleep in though

<NettyPlays> you cant avoid this, but alright. if you dont come in an hour, well bring the meeting to you grian

<Grian> i don't agree too that, but whatever you say

Grian just sighs. Netty is annoying to deal with, but he loved her still. They were good friends despite her not believing him. He knew she meant well too, she'd probably make a better Admin honestly. He knew he was messed up in the head. A certain rabbit made sure of that. Taurtis knew about that, unlike the others. They weren't there when the two were in high school together. But he couldn't help thinking that maybe she knew she was better off as the Admin and knew he would give up and just hand it over.

He decided to continue the rest of his chores which mainly included checking his farms and building parts of the empire up. Afterwards, he checked the time and saw it was about ten minutes before Netty would have the others coming to his base. He decided it was time to wake Taurtis up.

Grian walked into his train station seeing the white haired boy still sleeping. He looked peacefully, and though he didn't seem to notice the white hair, he did notice that Taurtis seemed to be wearing a ninja suit again. He sucked at being a ninja, while would he try again? Did he want to relive those awful memories when he was a ninja, Grian was a wizard, and the rabbit was- no, Grian shuts down the thought. No thinking about that time.

Grian walked to the bed and gently shook the taller one. "Taurtis, it's time to get up. Netty is probably going to be on her way with the others." He spoke. Taurtis just batted at his arms, not wanting to get up.

"Nah, five more minutes," was all he mumbled.

"No! Netty will have my head if I don't get you up. I let you sleep in, now it's time to get up!" He shakes the boy harder.

Taurtis finally gets the hint and sits up rubbing his eyes. The boy stands and yawns, trying to wake himself up.

Grian giggles. "You can see the Empire's current state now that it's morning, while we wait for them. It's still a work in progress, I plan on more additions as we go through more updates. We've only been through like two at this point, beds are new." Grian just balances from being on his toes to his heels.

Taurtis looks over at him. "I was interested in seeing the place. I guess meeting the others would be good too."

Grian just beams at him. "Then let's go!" He grabs Taurtis's hand and leads him out of the station. "This is the Grain station, since my name is pretty close to bread. I thought it was clever." Grian hears Taurtis chuckle at that.

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