I'll Be Right There

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"Fuck me, Katherine." I whisper in her ear as she enters a third finger in me. My breathing quickens as my body clenches around her slender fingers that are sending me so much pleasure.

"Cum on my fingers, baby girl."

Even though i could give birth any second now, my sex drive has been high as ever. I don't know if its all of my hormones or the fact that i am excited to start a family with Kate, but I've never wanted her more in my life.

"Umm... baby... beg for me." She commands. She makes me weak when she bosses me around like that.

"Please...please...i need you to make me cum."

"Good girl."

After about an hour of hot, sweaty sex with Katie she finally had to go to work. I hate been in the house all day by myself. Being that bored all day i had just managed to eat all the food out of the fridge and now i just want to get this baby out of me.

"I'm off to work now babe."

"Ughh, alright... I'm going to miss you."

"I will miss you too. I know you get bored on you own so ill be back with your favourite food." She says with a beautiful smile on her face.

"Chinese!" I say with the biggest grin.

"Yes baby."

As she walks out of the bedroom door i cant help but admire her body in the black tight pencil skirt and baby blue shirt she's wearing. How did i get so lucky?


I feel terrible for leaving Tay all by herself at home but it is what is best for our baby. I would never forgive myself if anything happened to her or our little boy.

Work has been draining lately and not even to mention this new assistant i had to hire now that Taylors on work leave. She's nice and good at her job, but a little too friendly for my liking.

"Mrs Clarke, i have the documents you wanted." She says, breaking my daydream.

"Thank you, Samantha." I say, taking the sheets out of her hands.

She stands there silently, looking around my office.

"Do you need anything else?" I ask wanting her to leave.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to get some lunch when you have finished?" She seemed like a sweet girl, but how she stared at me sometimes made me a little uncomfortable.

"Thanks for the offer, but I'm quite busy today."

Her eyes wonder over me then onto my desk where i have a framed picture of me and Tay. "Is this you wife that used to work for you?" She asked picking up the picture frame.

"Yes, she still does work for me, but she's actually on maternity leave with our baby." I say smiling at the thought of her at home.

"Oh, right."

She looked at the picture with disappointment on her face.

"Is something wrong?" I ask.

"No...no...not at all Mrs Clark." Then she walked out.


Suddenly, i hear my phone ringing out and notice it was Taylor calling me.

"Hey baby, i was just on the way to get the Chinese for tonight."

"Babe." She sounded panicked.

"What is it? Are you alright?" I ask trying to get to worried.

"Umm...my waters have broke...I'm in labour." She announced.

This is the day I have been waiting for over the past nine months and I couldn't be happier. I know Tay is properly really scared right now but I couldn't help but smile.

"Ill be right there, just try to stay calm and take deep breaths, ok baby."

"Ok." She sent quietly on the other end of the phone.

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