I've Had Enough

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Kate's pov:

It was Monday morning and the first week of me being back to work after Taylor having our baby. I was happy to be back. Happy to seen all of my colleagues. Except for one.

As i stepped out of the elevator and made my way to my office, i saw her through the glass windows. She was sat nonchalantly behind my desk, looking through my paper work that had been scattered around. The anger that had bulit up inside of me the passed three days exploded as i pushed my way through the crowds of people walking in front of me.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I shout, I little to loudly as now I feel everybody's eyes on me.
The slim little girl jumps out of her skin and stares at my wide eyed. She speechless.

I stand there at my office door waiting for an explanation, but I never had one.

"Why does my assistant think it is appropriate to rummage through my paperwork and sit behind the desk like she owns the place?... please, tell me that?" Still raising my voice at her. She looks like a frightened little puppy, being caught doing something it should have been doing.

Now I was even more angrier.

She still looks wide eyes into my view, only slightly looking through the glass wall to notice that everyone was looking at us. I noticed for the first time of being in there that all of my personal items are gone. What the fuck has she done now.

"Answer me! I am your boss and you must learn to respect me!" It may look like i was over reacting at this point, but i was mad. Very mad.

"I- i thought you wasn't coming in today. You still had time off." She looked so frightened at this point which actually made me happy to see her so scared.

"Well thanks to you bugging me while i was with my new born baby and wife, i had to come in." She still didn't move a muscle.

"Where the fuck is all my stuff and why are you sat behind my desk like you own the place!" I take a couple more steps towards her until i could see what paper work she was reading.

It was my bank statements. Why on earth would my assistant be interested in my bank statements?

"I- i um was just doing some work that you had set for me and i thought i would finish up on some work that you didn't complete." She says in a low tone, as she stares at her feet which were crossed delicately under my desk.

"Get out." Was all i could say, i was so angry that i was afraid of saying something even worse that wasn't at all professional.

She quickly got up from behind my desk and scurried out of the office doors, skimming me with her arm on the way out.

I turn around after examining my room to find everybody still there looking at me like they have just witnessed me murder her.

"Show over everyone! Get back to work" i pronounce as i walk further into my room.

I noticed all of my picture and personal items were missing off my desk and were stored in the bottom draws of my cabinet.

A picture of me and Taylor on our first date had been smashed and the photo inside the frame had been ripped apart like it was a scrap piece of paper.

"Why would she do something like this?" I ask myself. Looking around the room I don't see anything else missing. I just looks like a mess. My filling cabinets have been opened with paperwork that just looks like it had been thrown across the room.

I knew from the very start that I couldn't trust that girl.

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