The Shift

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Again, I've been given permission by Jeff-_The-_Killer to do this. I am not stealing their story AT ALL. This chapter will be heavily inspired/like the first chapter of the original, but with some changes. So again, PLEASE don't report this chapter because as I've said above and in the desc. I have permission!!!

Pain. Pain was all that Harry felt anymore, whether he was being tortured or not. It had been a few months since Harry had been brought down here. Why am I always the one that ends up suffering? It hurt to speak, it hurt to see, it hurt to move. Hell, it hurt to even breathe. Harry knew, deep down, that it wouldn't stop until Lord Voldemort wanted it to. That Lord Voldemort wouldn't want it to until I was broken, an empty shell easy to mold into whatever he wanted. Harry had promised himself it wouldn't happen, that he wouldn't break, that he would never cave to the man's demands. But his mind was betraying him, giving him thoughts about how much better things could be if he just complied. Just gave into the little voice that was getting louder with every passing hour. If only he would let the man claim him as his own, let the mark burn into my skin.

No one has come because they never cared about you. The little voice said, Harry shook his head causing even more pain to shoot through him. He curls up tighter into a ball with pain following his every movement. 

You know it's true, they only were using you to their benefit. They probably aren't even looking for you anymore.

"No," Harry mumbled weakly, his voice scratchy and weak from screaming. He wanted all the pain to just stop. He knew his friends wouldn't do that, they wouldn't just give up on him like he was nothing.

Then why haven't they found you yet? Why haven't they saved you? Accept it, you were just a tool to them that they could through away.

He couldn't even respond, he couldn't answer why his friends haven't found him yet, why it felt like he had been stuck in the dark dungeons of Lord Voldemort's hideout for years. Wasn't Dumbledore looking with all of his vast resources? Especially if the school year had started again.

They don't care, and you know it. Deep down, you know it. Harry whimpered and curled up further, tears silently rolling down his face as he tried to forget everything again and just block out the world as he was tortured.

They've probably already replaced you with Neville, you know?

Harry let out an ear piercing scream, his leg bending in a way it was definitely not supposed to bend, before snapping back into place like a rubber band as if nothing ever happened, the only evidence being the intense lingering pain it left behind.

Your dead to them

The masked death eater threw him roughly into the wall, no doubt breaking bones as he connected with the only stone wall of his cell. Crying out in pain for the ump-teanth time. 

Just give into him

The door to his cell slammed shut with a loud clang as metal met metal. Harry curled up again with his bruised and bleeding back now against the cold stones of the wall, sobbing silently as he tried to use pure will power to vanish the never-ending pains he felt. 

Give up, it would be so much more easier to just let go. Just give in already and all the pain will stop and never return.

Harry knew he shouldn't listen to the voice, that his friends were looking for me. They were counting on him to keep fighting, but it was so hard not to just give in. So hard to not let the Dark Lord do whatever he pleased. He just so tired of fighting. Tried of fighting the Dark Lord, of fighting the dark, of fighting the press as they slandered him, of fighting with Dumbledore to not make him stay with the awful and abusive Dursleys.

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