The Adjustment Part 2

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When Harry walked out of the closet, he couldn't say he wasn't slightly nervous. When emerald eyes met crimson red one, a deep blush grew on his face. Voldemort's gaze could be described as only one thing, that of a predator. A predator that has just seen something they wish to devour. Setting down his book onto the bedside table, Voldemort swung his long, graceful legs over the side of the bed and stood up. Never taking his eyes off Harry as he fidgeted where he stood. When he finally reached Harry, he reaches out and caresses Harry's cheek gently. This causes Harry to blush even more as he leans slightly into the touch. "You look wonderful, my little serpent. I knew you'd look absolutely beautiful in those clothes," he says lowly, his voice deep with his unspoken desire.

"Thank you, my lord. I'm glad you're please with how I look," Harry beamed, his smile bright as he stared at his mast-lord's aristocratic face. "Very much so, though I hope it is also to your liking as well, little serpent?" He says with a devilish smirk, arching a perfectly formed eyebrow.

Nodding, Harry continues to smile at the Dark Lord, his voice showing a bit of his previous confusion. "I didn't expect to like it, even a bit but I do." And before anyone could say anything more, Harry's stomach growls loudly, reminding the two wizards of where they needed to be. Chuckling, Voldemort holds out his hand for Harry, who lightly places his own smaller hand on top of it. The Dark Lord then gently curls his long fingers around the smaller hand, then starts leading Harry out of the room and to the dining room.

Once they had reached the dining room's large, thick, dark-colored wooden double doors, Voldemort waves his free hand causing the doors to swing open. Thus revealing a spacious rectangular shaped room with the same Slytherin green painted walls, black trim, and dark hardwood floors as the hallways. Pillers of chiseled white marble stood half into the walls; a large marble fireplace stood at the end of the room closest to them on one of the two shorter sides of the room. The longer wall in front of them held many large windows that looked out to the beautiful gardens of the backyard and clear morning sky, black drapes tied back with black braided rope stood on either side of every window in the room. In the center of the large, opulent room was an equally large and long, highly polished mahogany table. Dark mahogany carved chairs with Slytherin green padded seats and backs were pushed under the table, and at the end in front of the fireplace at the head of the table sat a throne-like chair. It had a high back with ornate carvings of what looked to be snakes, filigree, and other carved details with the armrests, back, and seat padded with what looked to be very soft, comfy black cushions. The ends of the armrests had carved snake heads hissing, their eyes inlaid with deep vivid emeralds. They each had an empty place setting already there with pristine white plates, shining silverware, and a delicate teacup with a silver rim and elegant silver filigree decorating the outside. There was also a small, crystal clear glass that looks like a tumbler and meant for either water or alcohol beside the teacup. Above the table were 3 considerably large and ornate sparkling crystal chandeliers that lit up the room.

Harry stared at the room in awe, he really should be used to seeing a very fancy and opulent room that screams "I'm bloody rich and I know it". Voldemort led the starstruck teen over to the throne-like chair right when a house elf pops in and pulls it out for him. Sitting down, he pulls Harry into his lap subsequently pulling the teen from his stupor causing him to let a little squeak of surprise as Voldemort wraps his arms around the boy's waist, causing him to look back at him in surprise. Then, with another pop, another house elf appears and pushes the chair in smoothly, then goes to the side, bows deeply, then asks, "What bees lord master and little master being liking for breakfast?"

Harry looks at the little creature, then back to his lord, then back again to the house elf. "I'll be having a traditional English breakfast with my usual coffee, Dotti," Voldemort says with feigned boredom. "Of course lord Master sir. And what bees little master having?" Dotti questions, but Harry just stares, blinking. He really didn't know, if he was being honest. While chocolate chip waffles sounded amazing, he didn't know if his stomach could take it since he hadn't been able to eat properly before now. Tilting his head in thought, he decides to just get them and eat as much as he felt he could. "Um...Dotti was it?" Harry asked, trying to remember the name the Dark Lord called the house elf by.

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