The Reformation

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Harry had just finished reading 3 of the books Winky had gotten him, including the one he had recommended he start with. Harry could already see that Dark Magic takes more emotion to fuel the spells than light magic did. Some of the spells confused him on why they were considered dark....ok it was actually a lot of spells, but he has just been putting it down as prejudice or fear until he could talk to the Dark Lord about it and ask him his questions.....if he allows him that is.

Dark magic was fascinating. So many of the spells, hexes, and jinxes could be used for multiple purposes and do multiple things depending on the intent or emotion. At least that was the case for what fueled most of the ones listed and described in the books Winky gave him.

Intent and/or emotions

Some you had to have a murderous intent or intent to do mortal harm on another, some anger and rage, while some others took more sensual emotions. Some even took emotions like joy of all things to fuel them, which confounded Harry great. One particular spell stood out to him just because of the bizarre nature of it. It was called Semper Olet, and it makes someone stink like sewage until the spell is removed by the one who cast it. Nothing can mask the stench it produces, no perfume, lotion, herbs, anything. What makes it so bizarre is that it was created by a clean freak who was known for getting into heated arguments with random people who smelt dirty to him. Even going so far as to force them to come home with him and have him bathe them. And as you can guess, the Aurours were called many times because of that crazy old bat. The book even said they even created a unique code just for him, since they were called so frequently because of him. And what was weirder was that he never got sent to Azkaban, ever. Just a multitude of times in the Ministries cells.

The most disturbing part, in Harry's opinion, was that it didn't matter how old or what gender the person was, he didn't care, as long as they stopped stinking to him. When Harry read this, he couldn't help the look of absolute disgust and horror, or the shudder that ran across his spine. To Harry, he seemed like an absolute perverted old prick with major OCD and control issues that believed the world revolved around them and what they wanted. Harry only stopped his reading when he realized it was nearing lunchtime and he was hungry. And even though his master had allowed him to make himself some snacks, he still wanted to eat with him. So he called Winky back over to him, gave him the finished books, and said his goodbyes as he picked up the remaining untouched books and left the library in search of his master's office.

He knew he could just have a house elf teleport him strait to it, but he wanted to explore the giant manor and find it on his own so he wouldn't need a house elf every time he needed to talk to Voldemort. After many minutes of walking aimlessly down the hallways of the giant manor, looking at the tapestries and portraits that hang on the walls and into a multitude of random rooms, Harry is stunned when suddenly excruciating pain fills his body making him let out a shrill scream as he falls to the ground. He never noticed the woman who had been walking down the hall that connected to the one he was currently in, how she had followed him, or even when she said the incantation for the torture curse. Harry's eye's watered with tears as he voiced his agony loudly, his screams was accompanied by maniacal cackleing as the woman's heels clicked against the floor. He recognized the cackling instantly as Bellatrix LeStrange, who had just come into his tear burring view. A maniacal sadistic smile on her face as she stared down at Harry's withering form on the ground. "Well, Well, Well. What do we have here. Little Harry Potter, sneaking around My Lord's manor. And even all dressed up in girl's clothes, you really are a pathetic, weak little freak, aren't you? Did you really think you would get away with it? Escaping from the dungeons like that? You really are just a stupid, reckless Gryffindor that will die by My Lord's hand." She coos to him, her voice fill with adoration when she spoke of his master. She then cackled again as Harry looks at her with tear filled eyes full of confusion and fear. He hadn't heard a word she said as his own thundering heartbeat filled his ears and drowned out all other noise. Why isn't the mark Voldemort gave me protecting me like he said it would? He said that it would protect me from the Death Eaters, why wasn't it working!? What was going on!? Did I do something wrong? Why was this happening? I thought no Death Eaters were here? What was going on?! Harry's mind kept going a million miles a minute, making everything jumbled and confusing. Just then, sound returned to Harry's ears, and what he heard made his heart sink. "Why look so confused Little Iccle-Potter? Did you really think you could escape punishment? Oh, my Lord will be so pleased with me! Time to say goodnight!!!" She then says a spell and all Harry knew next was darkness as he fell unconscious.

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