Why I haven't been updating

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Hi everyone, so.....

Someone from my IRL life found this story and my other ones and is now not allowing me to update until further notice. I'm still going to be writing them, just not publishing them for now until I can convince them to allow me to do so again. I REALLY want to continue this and my first story, and this seriously sucks. So please bear with me. 

As I said before, I'm still going to be writing new chapters, so maybe then I will update regularly for once in my life once I'm able to XD. I'm probably going to get into some serious trouble for even posting thing, but I felt like you all deserved an explanation. So....yea.....

I hope you all are having a great night or day, depending on where you are in our crazy world....And I seriously, with all of my heart hope to be able to write for you again.

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