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nobody can not seriously believe what had happened these couple of days. it's all been too much.

everyone knows the couple. harry styles and remedith cherry. they were so in love, they didn't even try to hide it. everything was going fine. he had proposed to her a few months ago and we're planning. until styles had ended the engagement through a phone call. nobody knew why, remedith before only followed harry. now she follows 0. styles had posted a long video of the two together with just
" it was lovely being with you for 6 years. i'm so sorry. i love you always. -H. "

fans were devastated and disappointed in styles because after about a month. barbara palvin posted the two together. barbara was remedith's ex friend, everyone knew the time when she completely ruined one of remedith's shows in her home town. although she states "it was an accident, i tripped and fell onto most of the wires."

and barbara was also harry ex girlfriend. at this time, her and remedith were close friends. they were all invited to her release party and the next night would be her premiere for the avengers civil war. apparently the two harry and barbara had hooked up but styles didn't remember. promising not to tell remedith.

this had just been a month after he proposed. barbara palvin was expected a baby and she said it was harry's. harry didn't want for his own baby not to have a father so he ended the engagement, through a phone call. wondering how we know this?

well on remedith's instagram. she deleted every single photo and video. her profile picture was changed into just a picture of her back turned, her hair only shown. her name was just the name everyone calls her. edith. and in her bio. everyone wants to know what she means.

she had posted after changing her bio

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she had posted after changing her bio. an explanation of what really happened between the two. and changed her username to just what everyone calls her. @edith



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only her.  harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now