Ch 3 Into town..

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Chapter 3

Andrews P.O.V.

Once I felt a bit better, me and Akko went around town. As alway,  Akko said she was hungry so we went to a nearby coffee shop.

"Hello, how can I help you?" The lady working at the restaurant said.

I scanned the menu looking for something to eat when Akko said " Ummm... could I please have a green tea, a chocolate cookie, a strawberry milkshake, a lemon tart and a banana cake please!" She said with a smile.

"I will just have a coffee thanks." I said.

I started to chuckle once the lady had left.

"Hey! Don't judge me! I'm hungry." She shouted at me as her cheeks went a light pink.

"I didn't say anything!" I said with an awkward smile. She looked down at the table and huffed.

Once our order arrived, Akko stuffed her face with food as I drank my tea. We then sat for a while talking about school and things, until somebody came up to Akko and asked for a picture. After being on tv, most people recognized Akko and people would ask for autographs or a picture. It then became more crowded with more people wanting to meet Akko. With each person Akko would have a big smile on her face and would greet them like they were friends.

"Andrew!" Akko shouted, interrupting my thoughts. I looked over to her. "Meet me at the bench near the park!" She shouted. I nodded my head and walked towards the park.

I found the bench, and sat down to wait for her.

"Hey Andrew!" I heard her shout, panting. I looked over and she sat down next to me, out of breath.

"Big crowd." I said

"Yeah! It's crazy. I never expected people to recognize me." She exclaimed excitedly. She was smiling from ear to ear, I'd never met a person that smiled so often.


Akko's P.O.V.

After escaping the crowd of people, I sat down next to Andrew in the park. We talked for a while then he asked me, "What do you do for fun?"

"Well... I practice magic! I cook, bake, watch tv, talk...all that sort of stuff!"

He looked away from me for a moment.

"How about you teach me to cook?" He said calmly. I looked at him confused then he looked back at me.

"Well yeah if you want!" I exclaimed. Then he smiled a bit embarrassed.

"I've always wanted to cook but my father didn't approve. So I thought you might be able to teach me." He said while rubbing his head.

"Yeah! When I'm done with you, you will be the best Hanbridge chef the world has ever seen!" I jumped up with excitement. Then we both started laughing.


After a couple of hours, roaming the town, they all met back up at the front of town. Diana has got all the things she needed and Akko had eaten enough to last her the rest of the night. They all headed back to the Cavendish mansion to get to bed.

< Time skip>

The next morning, Akko and Diana started bright and early with their lessons.

Akko's P.O.V.

Diana and I were outside, trying to practice my flying technique.

"Let's start with a turn. Using the back of the broom and your feet turn to the left." She shouted as I was floating in the air.

I did what she said but failed miserably and started falling. I hit the floor with a big "Thump!"

"Owwwww!!!!" I screamed while rubbing my head.

"You just have to keep practicing...Believe in your heart that you can do it." She said with a smile. "Just like Chariot!"

I looked at her with a smile and so much joy. I got back on my broom, trying over and over to get it right. After an hour or two, I had finally done it flawlessly!

"I did it!" I shouted with excitement.

"Well done Akko!" Diana congratulated me. "Now that you've mastered that, we can eat breakfast." She chuckled.



Andrews P.O.V.

The next morning, I didn't feel like getting out of bed. My mind was all over the place... I looked out my window to see Akko and Diana on their brooms, Akko then falling off. I finally got out of bed and got my clothes on. I sat on the couch in my room and thought about yesterday with Akko, she was so different to everyone else. She was the only girl I had met that was actually bothered to get to know me, instead of just liking me for how I looked. I've never thought about anyone, the way I think of Akko... I need Frank's advice!


Franks P.O.V.

I was sitting in a cafe with Lotte as I had invited her for coffee today, when I heard my phone ping in my pocket. I dug into my pocket and reached for my phone. I looked at the screen to see a message from Andrew.

(The text:)

A: "Hey Frank...I think I need your help."

F: "Yeah, what's up?"

A: "Well...Ummm."

F: "Come on, you can tell me. Just spit it out Andrew!"

A: "Okay! Okay!..."

A: " I like Akko!!! I think.. I don't know...!"

F: "...Well It's pretty obvious Andrew."

A: "What?"

F: "I could tell from the start...That you liked her."

A: "Oh... well what do i do?!"

F: "Well you need to tell her, soon!"

A: "How?"

F: "The next time you guys are together...Tell her."

A: "Okay... Thanks."

F: "Glad to help...Good luck!!"

(End of text)

"Who's that?" Asked Lotte.

"I think...Andrew has finally realized that he likes Akko." I replied.

"WHAT!! Really? I mean I knew it already but it's finally happening!" Lotte said with excitement.

I wonder what he's going to do? He's not the romantic type, I thought...


Hope you liked this chapter! It was a bit shorter but next chapter I have LOADS more ideas, so it will be a bit longer. XD

Thx for reading...

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