Ch6 Mystery solved?

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Ch 6

I held the card, delicately in my hand as I stared at it. It was magical...I then looked at Andrew,

"We're going to find her!" I said with joy, Andrew smiling at me. I then rushed outside to find a place where no one would see me. Crouching down behind a bush, I laid the card on the ground. I thought about Diana teaching me the spirit spell and ran the song in my mind.

"Laa..La la..laa..laa..laa la la laaaa" I hummed softly and closed my eyes. I heard a soft whispering and I opened my eyes. It was a spirit...It glowed a bright pale blue with golden eyes.

"Hello, can you help me? I'm trying to find my friend Diana." I whispered softly. " The card you came out of, belongs to her."

She sang back her reply...

"Daaa Laa Laa La...Doo Meeen Faaa Laa.." She continued " Daaa Arrr Chhaa Foo Reee Ssss Laaa." She Finished and looked at me with a smile.

"Thank you." I nodded

She sank back into the card and I picked it up, into my pocket...
Andrew was waiting for me at the door, ready to go find Diana. When he saw me walking towards him, he waved.

"So....Did it work?!" He asked Anxiously.

"We're heading to the archerist forest..." I said with a smirk.

(I'm not sure that's how you spell it? ^ )


Andrews P.O.V.

We walked closer to the forest, the sky was dark and the air was stale. The trees started to loom over us like monsters but Akko was still walking at the same pace, fearless.

"Where exactly did the spirit say Diana was?" I questioned.

"Where the tree never ends and flowers of death bloom." I gulped when she said this. Yet, I just followed behind her, even though I was terrified.

After a couple of minutes, we could see a shadow up in the sky that continued above the clouds. We kept moving forward, closer and closer to the shadow, until we got to the very bottom of it.

"This is it." Akko said "The last time I was here, I tried to climb this but it didn't end well. Hopefully this visit goes better."

"So this is the right place, but where is Diana." I asked.

"I think we need to climb it." She said Anxiously. We then started to grab the tree and pull ourselves up. We got so high but Diana was still no where to be seen. I didnt feel like we were getting anywhere!

"Akko I don't think this is the right way!" I exclaimed, she looked at me exhausted.

"You're probably right..." She sighed."We can use my broom to get down." I nodded.


Akkos P.O.V.

Once we got down, we both sat down at the very trunk of the tree, exhausted.

"Sorry Andrew...I really thought this would work." I said as tears began to form in my eyes.

"At least we gave it ago!" He said turning to me, he then looked shocked once he saw me crying. "Are you ok?" He asked consurned.

"I just...I need Diana! I am really worried, not even the spirit could find her.." I whimpered. He then pulled me into a hug. I stiffened with surprise for a moment, then just wrapped my arms around him and started to cry again.

"We will find her. I promise..." he said simpatheticly and smiled.

We both went silent for a moment, until we both heard a soft whisper from around us. We started walking in the direction of it and it grew loader and loader.

'It's Diana!" I shouted and ran towards her voice. I wiped the tears from my eyes and saw a small deserted cottage with a door and one small window. She was in there! I ran to the door and tried to open it, it was locked. I then went for a run up and smashed the door down, to see Diana on the floor with her hands tied behind her back.

"Diana!!" I shouted while rushing to untie her. Andrew then rushed in behind me and helped Diana up.

"Thank you..." she whispered weakly as she pulled me into a hug.

"Diana, what happened?!" I asked.

"Deral.."she said angrily.

We held up Diana as she limped with us back to the mansion. Once we got there, we saw Deral. She was frozen as she saw Diana.

"Oh Diana!" She said surprised. "I glad your back safely." She mumbled.

"We found Diana!" I shouted and everyone came rushing to her aid. Deral was still frozen in shock and defeat. I talked to the police with Andrew, telling them everything that happened.

"We found her in the forest, in a cottage..." I said.


Andrews P.O.V

After talking to the police, we gave the Chariot card back to Diana. She smiled at us a little embarrassed.

"Thanks guys...Where did you find this?" She asked.

"In the pearl box, we used its spirit to find you." Akko replied.

"You did the spirit spell?!" Diana exclaimed.

"Ummmm....Yeah." She said nervously, rubbing her head.

"I'm so proud of you!!" She said excitedly. "You did it all on your own!" Diana smiled.

<Time skip>

A few days later, Diana was feeling much better and Akko was super proud of herself. Deral was arrested for kidnapping and her daughters were sent to live with there father. Now we were all at dinner, talking about the party Akko has been planning for Dianas return.

Diana stood up, tapped her glass and cleared her through.

"I want to say thank you to Akko and Andrew, for saving me and bringing justice to the Cavendish mansion..." she went on, " In return, I would like to offer Akko...My Shiney Chariot card." She smiled.

"WHHHAAAA!!!" Akko squealed and her eyes widened. Everyone laughed at her expression.

"And Andrew...well I'm not sure what interests you? But you are welcome to stay here any time." She smiled awkwardly.

"It's quite alright Miss Cavendish, I was just happy to help." I smiled." It was mostly Akko anyway!" I looked over to her. She was still shocked with the Chariot card.

After dinner, we where all tired and decided to go straight to bed. Tomorrow was the party, we all needed our rest to get everything ready and me and Akko were going to be baking the cake...I was definitely not nervous, making a very important cake with no baking experience at all!


Hope you liked this chapter! Sorry it took a while...Next Chapter on the way! XD


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