Ch 5 Dianas card...

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Ch 5

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Ch 5

Akko's P.O.V.

The next morning, there was still no sign of Diana. I was up all night thinking of where she could be. Did she run away? Or was she...stolen? If she ran away, she probably used some sort of spell,but which one?! I went down for breakfast but for once, I wasn't hungry. Slowly, I sat down next to Andrew. He looked at me concerned...

"Are you ok Akko?" He asked.

"I guess.." I sighed.

"I know you're worried about Diana, so am I! But for her sake we have to keep our hopes up and find out we're she is." He said, confident.

"You're right!" I looked at him. "I thought she might have run away or something but ... it must have something to do her aunt!! I mean, we see that weird shadow in the sky, then Diana disappears! Her aunt is just randomly in town this week and she still wants to be the head of the Cavendish family...It all adds up. Diana's aunt kidnapped her!!" I said loudly.

"Akko! Keep your voice down! He whisperer-screamed. "You might be right but we have no proof."

"Then we'll just have to find it!" I said enthusiastically.


After breakfast, me and Andrew decided to follow Diana's aunt ,Deral, to her office but we couldn't go inside without getting noticed. I ran outside, Andrew close behind and I sat on my broom to fly up to the window of her office. I peeked inside the corner of the window so she wouldn't notice me. I saw her sit down on her chair and start to do some paperwork, nothing exciting but I knew she took Diana...she must have!

"Anything?" Andrew shouted. I lowered down on my broom,then stepped off.

"Nothing..." I sighed and frowned.

"Maybe she didn't do it.." Andrew said, looking up at the window.

"I think... I know what to do." I said nervously, then ran up to Diana's room.

I opened the door and ran to her desk. I sat at the chair and looked around, I then saw a pearl box with a lock on it. I stared at it for a moment, then tried to open it but it was no use, it was locked. I looked all around her room for a key but I couldn't see it anywhere!

"What are you doing?" Andrew asked.

"I think I know how we can find her but I'm not 100% sure. Just help me look for a key." I replied, still rummaging around the room.

I looked at the bookcase, when I noticed most of the bookies were dusty, except for 2 or 3. I took those books out and put them on the was named "Enchanted spells", "The Cavendish family traditions" and the last... "Shiny Chariot and the lost words."

"WHAAAA....!" I exclaimed. "Diana read the Shiny Chariot series!!!" I flicked through the pages until I saw it...The key!

"I found it!" I said excitedly. Andrew looked at me confused.

"The key?" He asked as I rushed over to the box on the desk.

Slowly, I sat down and pushed the key into the lock, I nervously twisted the key to hear it unlock! I gasped in excitement, Andrew peering over my shoulder still confused. I pulled up the lid to see a velvet lined inside and there, laying in the box, was the most rare Chariot collection card. Right there in front of me.


"I'm sorry to burst your bubble Akko but, how is this going to help us find Diana?" He asked.

"Well one, yes you did burst my bubble!" I pouted. "And Two, this card is at least 20 years old sooo...I can speak to its spirit...


Sry this chapter was short, the next chapter has lots in it!! Stay safe everyone XD


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