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  It was cold... too cold... the third shrine was up in the mountains where Link would be ment with snow. Without a tunic to replace the once he lost, his body temperature would drop with ease. The hylian backed away from the cold before he froze to death. He'd need to find a way to get to the snowy peak without freezing.

  He found him self wandering the around the warmer parts of the mountain. Link wandered, looking around for chests or barrels with clothing to spare. He found himself in a forest of birch trees.

  Another group of bokoblins was near by. Only two were in this group. Link remained cautious, he used a bomb from the Sheika Slate to attack from a distance. The moment it detonated both red bokoblins were tossed aside along with their weapons. Link was quick to grab the bow. A few swings from his axe and he won the battle. With his confidence boosted he college the apple that were on the floor of their camp.

  On a tree near by he noticed hung honey comb. A step too close, and the bee began to chase after Link in a relentless chanse. He ran off until they stopped chasing him. Out of breath and exhausted, Link decided to avoid honey comb from the time being. Link continued wandering, collecting any weapons he found to help defend himself from monsters. Link stopped as he found a large rock with a purple mushroom a top it. His stomach growled and a thought of the mushroom being edible crossed his mind. Link collected the mushroom and noticed a cabin to his left. In the distance he could see a cooking pot. He walked to it, finding a stimella mushroom along the way.

  Link looked around before entering the cabin. No one was home. He found a book on the table in the empty house. There, he read of a recipe called 'Spicy Meat and Seafood Fry'. It was fallible of keeping one warm in the snowy mountains. What caught Links attention, was the reward offered if the meal was made. A warm doublet. A warm tunic for the snow, exactly what Link was searching for. Unfortunately, the recipe for it was in complete. Link created a short list in the dirt, raw meat, spicy pepper, and he assumed fish. Link quickly walked around the platue collecting meat from birds and fish from the lakes.  He returned to the cabin and found spicy pepper on the table besides the recipe.

  Link wandered through the birch forest once more, wondering how to make the recipe for he could withstand the cold and reach the 3rd shrine. Near a cliff he found the old man near a tree.

"Oho! Fancy that!" The old man turned as he heard Link's footsteps coming closer, "So we meet again."

  Link gazed at the axe the old man held against the tree. The old man was cutting it down.

"I thought this tree here might make for some good firewood. However... getting a tree to fall exactly where you want it to is quiet an art. The trick is to turn your hips so that they face where you want the tree to land. So... I see you found my axe."

  Link quickly held out the axe to give it back, he hadn't realized it belonged to the old man.

"Why not help me out and give it a few swings?" The old man's cheerful tone subsided some of Link's guilt. He gladly decided to help the old man gather wood.

"I'm working up a sweat here... but these bones could use a break," the old man pushed the axe into the small teens' hands.

  The man began to walk away and link quickly chopped the tree down. He struck it once more to get firewood and the old man wanted. He repeated the process with two more trees and chased after the old man.

"Oho! I see you did my work for me. Wonderful!" The smile on the old man gave Link a feeling of accomplishment, knowing he did his job well.

"Go a head and take some of that wood for yourself. Don't be shy now," the man continued walking.

  Link walked back towards the cliff, across from it he saw a boar. It was the meat he needed for the recipe! The young hylian looked around, there were three very tall trees that could each be used a bridges. Link ran to the center tree and held the axe tight. He aligned his hips in the direct he was the tree to fall, just as the old man taught him. In a few swings the tree began to fall. It landed in perfect alignment with the other cliff. A wooden bridge for link to walk along. Link walked across the trunk of the tree and took out the bow ge had gotten from the bokoblins before. He had only one arrow. Link slowly pulled back and aimed directly at it's head.

A perfect shot.

  He ran and harvested the meat from the boar. Link heard the sound of bokoblins near by. There were two who hid behind the location of the boar. Link left, he would attack later on. He ran back to the old man's cabin. He held all the iningredients and tossed them onto the pot. To his surprise... Link was successful! The old man was sitting by the fire, watching Link with a smile. Link happily handed the completed dish to the old man.

"If you're moved by any wild culinary inspirations, feel free to cook for yourself a meal using my pot over there," the old gleamed.

  Link held up the dish for the man to see for himself.

"Wait... Is that... That looks like my signature dish, spicy meat and seafood fry!" The old man was shocked by Link's knowledge of the recipe, "But how did you-?! Well a suppose that it not important. Can I trouble you to share the recipe?"

  Link smiled and wrote the recipe down for the old man. The man took the paper and read it over.

"Ah of course! Hyrule bass! How could I have forgotten?" The old man laughed at his own mistake, "Well done! Now, please allow me to reward your culinary efforts with this warm doublet," the old man walked to the cabin and returned to Link with the doublet. Link accepted it with a large smile. "With that, you will be able to resist the bite of colder environments. As for me, I know a great spicy mean and seafood fry recipe, so I can do without that warm doublet."

  Link pulled the doublet on, though he wondered why the old man would need it. The man seemed to be dressed in warm clothing as it was already.

  Link waisted no time. He need to find the next temple. He ran back across the bridge and battled the two bokoblins who were waiting for him. Link won, but in the process he lost his axe. It had broken from being worn out. Link continued on his way, and soon wa somet with a cracked all. He used a bomb to open the cracks. Beyond the new opening was a chest. Link opened said chest and was rewarded with five fire arrows. Beyond that, the only way for Link to go was upwards, or fall to his death. Link began his climb. Stopping on many ledges to catch his breath. Though it wasn't as cold as he imagined it being. On his way up, he collected as many Rushrooms he could find.

  At the top of the mountain Link was greeted by the Owa Daim Shrine and the Stasis Trial.

  A new ability awaited inside.

Stasis, the ability to stop the flow of time.


  I know, there was no sex this time. Just be patient. Itll be juicy the moment Link is free from the platue ^^

Love you guys. Bye bye~

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