claudia and the phantom phone calls.

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"BOO!" Pam exclaimed, jumping into Stacey's room.

Stacey let out a shriek and dropped her blush brush, the powder going into the air.

Pam giggled and snorted, holding her stomach.

"I hate you so much." Stacey groaned.

"I love you too." Pam laughed.


"DID HE ASK YOU TO THE DANCE OR NOT?!" Kristy exclaimed at the club meeting that day.

Claudia munched on her licorice, while Pam typed on her Apple laptop with many stickers.

"Well?" Kristy asked.

"He asked me if I was going and said he'd see me there. So he basically asked me. We'll be there together...basically." Claudia cringed.

"Here's the thing. A guy like Trevor Sandbourne isn't gonna like, show up at your door with a corsage. That's just not the way things are done in his kind of circles." Stacey explained.

Pam lifted up her slushee to her mouth, taking a long sip with wide eyes, about to see things go down.

"Which are what, exactly?" Kristy asked, narrowing her eyes.

"Sophisticated circles. Artistic circles." Stacey told Kristy.

Kristy shook her head disappointingly.

"Are you gonna wear a costume?" Mary Anne asked Claudia.

"I was gonna be a Troll doll, but for Trevor, I might have to think of something a little more soigné." Claudia giggled.

Pam groaned and placed a hand on her forehead.

"You're gonna get all dressed up for some stupid guy who didn't even both to ask you out for real, Claud? That's so...disgusting." Pam scoffed, adjusting her keyboard on her lap.

"That's cause you've only had one relationship." Stacey giggled.

"Spill?" Claudia asked.

Pam sighed and put the laptop off her lap and picked up her slushee.

"I was in sixth grade, there was this dude I liked, I asked him out, he said yes, we dated for a year and then he fell out of love and broke up with me. Simple and plain." Pam explained with a bored and annoyed tone.

"That's kinda sad." Mary Anne pointed out.

"It's fine." Pam shrugged.

"You cried for two weeks over him." Stacey reminded her sister.

"No I didn't." Pam defended, on the verge of tears.

The girl leaned back into Claudia's bed and took her slushee with her, sipping on it sadly.

"What about you, Mary Anne? That cute boy Logan might be there." Stacey painted out, "The one you're always staring at who volunteers at the library?"

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