mary anne saves the day.

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THE PHONE RANG AT A SLOW BABYSITTERS CLUB MEETING, and Stacey went over to answer it.

Pam looked up from her laptop, which was playing Stranger Things.

"And I would go home. And just scream into my pillow."

"But...Tammy Thompson's a girl."


"Hello! Babysitters club!" Stacey greeted.


Pam stuffed more popcorn mixed with M&M's into her mouth, which Aidan introduced her to. Now, it's apart of her daily meals.

"How many times can you watch that show?" Kristy asked.

"Twelve times." Pam whispered, her eyes glued to the screen.

"She wants to talk to you, Mary Anne!" Stacey smiled cheerfully, handing the phone to the kind girl.

Mary Anne grabbed it and hesitantly brought it up to her ear.


Stacey went on Claudia's bed and laid next to Pam, leaning on her shoulder and putting a piece of popcorn in her mouth.

"Which part it this?" Stacey asked.

"They got drugged by the Russians and they threw up."


"I don't-"

Pam and Stacey sat up and looked at a nervous Mary Anne on the phone.

"No, I mean, yes. I'm free."

Stacey and Claudia gave her a shocked look, while Pam didn't mind her sticking up for herself.

"I think."

'What are you doing?!' Kristy mouthed.

"But the thing is, I belong to a club of babysitters. So I'd have to check if any of them-"

Mary Anne stopped abruptly.

"What's your address?"

Pam clapped silently with a smile of her face, while the rest of the club rolled their eyes.

"Wow." Kristy whispered sarcastically.

"Thank you." Mary Anne said, and hung up the phone.

The girl nervously rubbed her thighs.

"I shouldn't of done that."

"Clients aren't supposed to pick their sitters, Mary Anne! That goes against the clubs entire mission statement!" Kristy exploded.

"I'm sorry." Mary Anne whispered.

"You don't have to apologize. Just try to be more assertive." Claudia told the girl, "Stand yo for yourself."

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