dawn and the impossible three.

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LATELY, Stacey had been soft with Pam.

After staying up for four hours at night, reading countless catalogs on the web about the LGBTQ community, she finally understood.

She finally realized that Pam is Pam, and she can't change anything about that.

Not that she wants to. She already ordered her sister a rainbow flag and a couple rainbow sweaters.


As you can see, Stacey is a supportive sister, just confused how being lesbian works.

"As president of this club, all guests should be run by me. It's in the bylaws." Kristy sneered at the babysitters club meeting that week.

"We have bylaws now?" Claudia chuckled, looking up from Pam's half painted pastel green nails.

"Yes, in the Club constitution I wrote over break. Do you ever check your email?" Kristy asked the three girls on the ground.

"My email is full of those scams saying 'Forward this to ten people or you'll die.'" Pam whispered.

"I brought Dawn with me today because she's a great friend and a great babysitter. Things were quiet over the holidays, but now our clients are back. We're gonna need another sitter, or else we'll get overstretched." Mary Anne explained her thinking.

"Well, as my beautiful sister and I were the latest new people in town, I can say we're thrilled that Dawn is here." Stacey smiled, getting up and grabbing Dawn's hand.

Pam looked at Stacey's hand grabbing Dawn's hand.

The blonde sighed.

"And about those bylaws, anything about kicking jobs to members who spent way too much on holiday gifts/new riding boots?" Stacey giggled.

"Second that. I have a roll of handmade washi paper being held at Dick Blick." Claudia brought up.

"The gas station crew says that I need to pay my tab, finally, so that Amaryllis and Avi can doodle up a new one for me." Pam added.

(Avi and Amaryllis: the power couple)

"Oh! Speaking of shopping, and doodles, I have some news," Mary Anne announced, "My dad is finally letting me redo my room a little bit!"

"Oh my gosh, yes!" Pam cheered.

"Don't ruin your nails!" Claudia scolded, gently grabbing the excited blondes hand.

"Yes! New year, new you." Stacey said.

"Nothing major. I have some babysitting money saved, so he said I could buy a couple new things. Some new pillows, maybe, a cool new lamp?" Mary Anne suggested.

"Ooh! I still have some pictures of rooms on my Pinterest!" Pam brought up.

"Hot. Let's browse." Claudia said, helping Pam up and going over to her computer.

"Okay, let me pull up my Pinterest..." Pam trailed off, logging into the computer.

"Oh! Nice! I love that color." Mary Anne pointed out, pointing to the purple saved on her board.

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