Chapter Twelve

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Meanwhile with Tony

I ran as fast as I could but the police was already closing in. I called Cortez..
Come on PICK UP!!!
Yo this is Tony tell Cortez the boxed me in I can't get out of here I need a ride. Cortez said that's not his problem Nigga you should of handled yo shit quietly now figure out how to get out of your shit yourself. Man FUCK YOU TALKIN BOUT I THOUGHT WE WAS FAMILY....
we were family until you didn't shoot the pussy ass Alejandro kid a long time ago, you fucked up and Cortez is disappointed in you.
They hanged up.
They wanted me to shoot Alex a long time ago when they found out he wasn't committed to the gang shit I told them I couldn't do it. Cortez didn't care, Cortez was a dangerous man, I kept so many secrets from Alex I felt guilty everytime I was around him. But I couldn't let him see me weak.

I was all out of options so I ran to a bus stop to see if I could get on a incoming CTA bus when three unmarked police cars swarmed in on me they yelled CHICAGO PD HANDS UP NOW. Did I really deserve to live my mom was a junkie drug addict and I don't even know who my dad was, I ran away from foster home the streets was all I knew and now that my own gang outcast me there was only one thing left to do.
I took out my gun and instantly the police opened fire before they shot I said...forgive me Alejandro.

*FBI investigators hr before doctor came out*

~Phone rings~

Hello Agent Massengale

Yea what did you find......

Justin's mom criminal investigations team and Chicago PD intelligence worked heavy on my case for weeks. They eventually found the hide outs and the stashes and they arrested other gang members and of course they gave up on each other too get a better deal for themselves. They finally found out where Cortez was hiding and they raided the house to find out Cortez wasn't there. However the police found enough evidence too connect my brothers Murder to other murders that happened in the neighborhood. The Latin Kings killed my brother and they killed my cousin. Cortez himself pulled the trigger that killed my Pablo. It was a accident but ever sense then the man lied to me in my face like a snake then when my brother tried to get me out of the gang he had him killed and for what... Justin's mom heard he news and said firmly FIND HIM!

phone hanged up and she put her hand on her head in exhaustion her husband holding her hand.

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