Chapter Thirteen

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Ok so Justin... surgery was not easy the bullet pierce his femoral artery. We almost lost him during the surgery but we were able to get his heart back beating again. Justin is responsive right now, we were able to stop the bleeding but the artery it's self is damaged he needs extensive physical therapy and he is going to be bed written for a while. I do not want him leaving the hospital anytime soon I want to monitor his condition after surgery and his healing process he is in extreme pain so we put him to sleep. We were able to remove the bullet as much as possible there is still some very small fragments in the wound but nothing to be concern about with a proper shower the wound will clean itself and the fragments should go away. We are not opening up his room right now only too parents I can show you the way.

Justin mom pulled me to the side before she went to go see Justin. I gotta tell you somthing Alejandro. What I said? We found the stashes and we found where Cortez was hiding. Ok did you get him.. when the team breached he wasn't there she said. There's something else we know that the Latin Kings killed you're brother witch is what you though as well but not only did they kill you're brother but Cortez killed your cousin. We know this through forensic of them weapons we found at the hideout and through statements from gang members under cortex about his own personal gun and who he killed. We're gonna find him don't worry.

I was so mad I wanted to punch the wall next to me. I'm so sick of the betrayal, the lies, the dealth. So much anger inside of me I needed a release.
I was so relieved that Justin was ok I had to talk to him. I needed to step outside and get some fresh air. To be honest I needed a blunt and I was about to go outside in smoke. I went outside the emergency room while Justin's parents went too see him. I walked around the corner of the hospital by a alleyway. I felt someone behind me so u turn around I didn't see anything.. when I turned back Cortez was in front of me.

BIG Cortez...

So you thought you could snitch and take your ass on, hell nah homie it don't work like that. I treated you like family, tried to show you the ropes.

MAN FUCK YOU, NIGGA. Whst type of man shoots a kid a little ass kid you fucking monster!!

It was a accident (Cortez) THAT DON'T MAKE IT RIGHT!!! You knew you shot that boy but you kept going then you had the audacity to lie to my brother and me for years yo YEARS. You HAD MY BROTHER KILLED.

NO! Your brother had himself killed he was gonna expose the gang if I didn't jump you out. And I said you don't call the shots I Do. And he said yea will see about that. So he signed his own death certificate. Why would I want Jose killed he was my prodigy.

Now it's time for you too meet you brother again he pulled out a gun and I pulled out the the gun in my pocket and shot him three times

I stood over his body ass he bleed out and said..
"nos vemos en el infierno demonio"

Two days later....

As soon as I shot Cortez I went in the hospital to get help. They asked what happened and I went upstairs to talk to Justin's mom, told her what happen. That Cortez came to the hospital to kill me and I shot him.
I was out in handcuffs my charges was murder. All while my Best-friend my love Justin was sitting in a hospital bed for a bullet that was meant for me. I asked myself at what cost is life at what cost?

I have been held in cook county jail when Justin's mom showed up and they let me go. I said what's happening I thought I was in jail for the long run. It was self defense Alejandro, luckily for you there was a camera in that alley so we saw Cortez pulled a gun on you first and you even called for help to save him.

I convinced the ADA to drop the charges against you. I owe you that much for getting my baby boy to the hospital. She then said I love you kid...

I told her I wanted to go see Justin I haven't spoke to him sense that night he got shot.
She drove me to the hospital.
When I got too Justin's room I saw him watching the NBA finals.

I said was up bro, he smirked hmph was up bro. Look.. I said. You don't ha e to apologies Alejandro you don't owe me anything. I choose to take that bullet cause I wanted too. I meant what is said, I will always be there for you through thick and then you my brother and my best friend he said. I kissed him and said I love you nigga his mom was staining in the doorway  looking not surprised..

I was wondering when you two were gonna come clean she said laughing. Justin said.. Mom you knew? He looked confused.. yea Alejandro's grandmaothers has a pretty big mouth she said laughing. I rolled my eyes and said under my breath, dammit abuelita.
Your ok with it said Justin? I mean you're fathers definitely not but I don't care your still my lil baby boy and Alejandros mom didn't take it well either but we all agreed to not mention it until you guy were ready to tell us yourselves.

Imma give you too some privacy... she said

Wow I can't believe she knows Justin shakes his head, fuck that I said I'm glad you're ok I was worried about you. Nahh you ain't have to worry about me I'm hard bodied I was gonna be on regardless. The doctor even said once I get through physical therapy I will be able to re join basketball. I said that's good..

You know the real reason why I took that bullet for you Alejandro? It's cause you would have down the same for me.
And I would Justin was the only person that I opened myself up too emotionally that I trusted and he was my Bestfriend but not only that he was my love.

I stayed there all night and watched tv with him.

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